
Imaghost September 13, 2020 5:48 pm

Can anyone spoil for me :< ...

    Reena September 13, 2020 7:43 pm

    Spoiler (copied from comments)

    Tsukuyomi gets the shaft after getting his hopes brought up by Rurikawa and now I'm upset. Like, if you were gonna choose Kyougukuin in the end why tf did you drag Tsukuyomi back when he was trying to leave so he wouldn't get in the way of you two? Everyone is saying how much of a "slut" Tsukuyomi is and fail to realize that the reason why he does what he does is due to the fact that he has all this love for Rurikawa but knows that ultimately they won't end up together. He's actively trying to fill that hole by sleeping with anyone that says they love him and having their kids even if he always out lives them.