
Spare dick sir? September 13, 2020 8:17 am

I know it's probably not going to happen, but I want Jooin to end up with Cain (unless he turns out to be messed up too). Yahwi is an awful person that does not deserve Jooin. He raped Jooin and plays with his feelings whether he wants to admit it or not.

    Randomreader September 13, 2020 8:53 am

    IKR but like I know he’s going to get some SuDdEn character development and they’ll date again smh

    Meru21 September 13, 2020 10:56 am

    Don't get your hopes up too far. Cain is displaying serious stalker tendencies. Those normally lead to single-minded obsession and control and possessiveness. I don't see it going well with him at all. An yeah, yahwi did some bad stuff, but honestly, Jooin is the type that needs a hard shove to get over the hurdle or sex or he's never gonna do it. I'm the same way. Enjoyable rape is, unfortunately, a thing and its a hard thing to cope with, but Jooin wasn't going to ever lose his vCard the way he was going.. Now, I agree that Yahwi is being a major asshole but he has a lot of issues. Abandonment, neglect, heavy expectations, loneliness and he's totally warring with his need to rebel and his fear of not complying to his parents' whims. He was a child born with a job, and that automatically put him in the fucked up folder. It takes something drastic to change a lifetime of habits and the way you think when they're caused by abuse.
    Just you wait, I betcha Cain is gonna be way worse. I highly doubt he's the puppy the aughor is portraying him as now. But I could be wrong. He gives me a bad feeling, though. Oh, but wasnt it great how Jooin stood up for himself to Yahwi?! Very realistic. Loved it

    Late Sleeper September 13, 2020 11:18 am
    Don't get your hopes up too far. Cain is displaying serious stalker tendencies. Those normally lead to single-minded obsession and control and possessiveness. I don't see it going well with him at all. An yeah,... Meru21

    I just red the raws and i totally agreed to this. I saw for the first time Cains face darkened when he saw that bite mark on jooins neck and the moment yahwi putted his arms around jooins shoulders. I think the chapter 28 is time when the real competition begins

    Meru21 September 13, 2020 11:24 am
    I just red the raws and i totally agreed to this. I saw for the first time Cains face darkened when he saw that bite mark on jooins neck and the moment yahwi putted his arms around jooins shoulders. I think the... Late Sleeper

    Oh shit. No kidding? I was guessing. I mean, I'm really good and telling where a story will go but damn...... was kind of hoping I was wrong this time.Q.Q poor Jooin

    Late Sleeper September 13, 2020 3:10 pm

    Yes i just somehow red it on t**nkor tho it was thrilling to see that since Yahwi just fvcked jooin later the moment he saw cain and jooin hugging outside the building, bitted him real hard jooin needed to wear a band aid to hide it but unfortunately it was not pretty sticked so it falls and cain saw then he saw that yahwi wrapped his arms around jooin that put a hell lot of wood on the fire so i am certain the next chapter will be LIT

    Spare dick sir? September 13, 2020 4:14 pm
    IKR but like I know he’s going to get some SuDdEn character development and they’ll date again smh Randomreader

    That's what the authors do all the time

    Spare dick sir? September 13, 2020 4:23 pm
    Don't get your hopes up too far. Cain is displaying serious stalker tendencies. Those normally lead to single-minded obsession and control and possessiveness. I don't see it going well with him at all. An yeah,... Meru21

    I don't think that's true at all that Jooin wasn't going to lose his virginity the rate he was going. The next time they meet they have consensual sex when Jooin still thought the first time they had sex was a dream. But I totally agree with you on Cain. I've read enough to know he is bad news. I think I was more hoping that Cain would be normal and the two of them could be happy together.
    I do feel bad for Yahwi and understand that he has his own issues. It's just hard seeing Jooin get hurt in the process since he hasn't done anything wrong. I loved seeing Jooin defend and not blame himself for Yahwi's faults. I'm looking forward to character development from both!

    Meru21 September 14, 2020 2:28 am
    I don't think that's true at all that Jooin wasn't going to lose his virginity the rate he was going. The next time they meet they have consensual sex when Jooin still thought the first time they had sex was a ... Spare dick sir?

    The thing about their first time; it was so real to Jooin that when he had consensual sex with Yahwi, it wasn't that scary so it was easier on him. It's a common give-in for people who are at war with themselves (not pertaining to the situationthat happened with Jooin and Yahwi, but in general with extremely shy people or those scared of/not interested in sex). Such as, "well, we already did it once, so it's fine" or "this is familiar, so its okay".
    I get what you mean. No one should be dragged into anyone else's life to be traumatized so the other person can grow. But some are. Sometimes you have to go through their hell in order to get them out of it, though. But stupid Cain. If he's just going to cause trauma/hurt without growth, he needs to gtfo. >///<
