I think xiao ling is way too mean to li lei, for everything he has done to help her. She s...

Daisy September 12, 2020 1:53 pm

I think xiao ling is way too mean to li lei, for everything he has done to help her. She should stop being a b*** and properly thank him for caring about her.

    BD4Life September 12, 2020 4:03 pm

    Don’t forget they’re not a couple anymore. He suddenly appeared after he broke up with her and made it public, which was like pouring salt on an open wound! She has been telling him she wants to move out, but he’s essentially forcing her to stay with him despite her own desires! What else can she do? ( ̄∇ ̄")

    I like Li Lei, but he’s too desperate and domineering! He needs to respect her choices and help guide/advise her rather than being overbearing just because he loves her! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Daisy September 12, 2020 5:55 pm

    I agree he is very dominant, but even when they were in a relationship. She has been very ungrateful towards him.

    BD4Life September 12, 2020 6:27 pm
    I agree he is very dominant, but even when they were in a relationship. She has been very ungrateful towards him. Daisy

    She’s suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, so it’s not as if she can just get past it because Li Lei came along. Don’t forget that she literally died right after being released from Ziheng’s cage/prison, so she’s still traumatized from that and from being killed!! She really needs therapy and lots of time to heal w/o the same pressures from someone else like in her previous life, even though Li Lei is nothing like Ziheng. Honestly, she ticked me off regularly throughout the novel, but I had to remind myself of her PTSD. She’s really pathetic, but I don’t think she can help! (っ°Д °;)