
oh shiiii- I knew he abused and blackmailed him, but I didn't know he actually raped him. Cause in the chapter where Jihyun was drunk with Chiwoo, he stopped kissing him cause he was crying didn't he? But then he got angry again or something and threw him on the table, no?
Besides, I still feel like he needs a redemption episode, cause of how he was treated that made him the way he was
SPOILER ALERT! (and also really REALLY long review,sorry...!)
Here's my say on the story, firstly I honestly did enjoy this story like 84%, and I', happy that Chiwoo is now happy and living his life to the fullest with a man who actually cherishes him; Kyujin (I hope I don't offend anyone or something, especially the author) but I kinda feel the story was a bit rushed, or that the cover image for this story is quite misleading, for me!... well not misleading, but like just not making sense(?) i guess, in my opinion, for me.
I get why Chiwoo would be mad at Jihyun and that he may have been traumatized, but I just can't accept the fact that he ended their relationship entirely towards the end of the story. I mean he didn't even rape him, all he did was kiss him and accidentally violently cut his back on a broken glass table while under the influence, I too, would have been traumatized, but it's not even Jihyun's fault he's like that, it's kinda his father's fault cause of he he treated him, but yeah.
Anyways, that's not the reason why I only enjoyed the story 84% tho. Although the cover image had all 3 of them in it, I feel like this story mainly evolves around 2 of them; the 2 white heads, whilst the other one is just a side character/supporting character.
Jihyun and Chiwoo have been friends for years, and although their relationship may have been toxic (i think?), at least it was strong. I get why Chiwoo's traumatized because he was scared and hurt by someone he trusted, but the fact that he ended their relationship entirely and cut ties (at the end, after more dangerous stuff happen), feels like their relationship was nothing( not nothing but I can't find the right word), that it didn't mean much to Chiwoo at all (although I know it meant a lot cause he always that about it).
But they were best friends since they were 14, all the way to when they were 20. 6 years of friendship thrown away because a troublesome kid couldn't control his feelings and the other kid was oblivious. I can't believe their relationship just ended. They both just lost hurt souls, they both deserve better.
Chiwoo was able to build a healthy relationship with Kyujin, and even ended up with him, makes it feel like Chiwoo didn't even think about Jihyun's feeling. Now I kinda feel it was Chiwoo's fault cause he was oblivious despite actually knowing, and he he completely ignored Jihyun's feelings in the first place, maybe even leading him on without knowing. And he was confronted about it, but the blame was still on Jihyun? Come on, ik Chiwoo just wanted to maintain their current realtionship, but you know that could never happen.
Their background story revealed a lot of important info about Jihyun and Chiwoo's history, but in the present time, Chiwoo's relationship was focused on him and Kyujin, even when Jihyun was right there, just felt like he was a side character... the villian of the story. He had a HUGE impact on the story, but he hardly interacted with anyone, he was hardly shown in the present times, making him seem like the sc.
At first I thought Kyujin was gonna be the side character, and Jihyun and Chiwoo would have gone through more hardships but eventually mend their relationship and ended up together, but no it was the total opposite. Chiwoo and Jihyun's relationship worsened and Chiwoo eventually ended up with Kyujin. Maybe that was what the author was trynna go for in the first place, but if so, maybe the cover image should have been different.
Last thing, I kinda feel the story ended so suddenly. I honestly thought that Jihyun would have got a after story or a redemption episode, that he would have come back or something sooner, or that Chiwoo would have reminisced their relationship, over thought about what happened, but he literally just moved on, and I'm kinda happy he's happy, but I still want Jihyun to be happy aswell. He deserves to be happy aswell, cause of the abuse and neglect he had to live with, it really wasn't his fault, I feel like honestly, Jihyun deserved better.
(P.s sorry of some of this aint make sense, I just had a lot to say, and I wanted to say it all before I forget important notes. K fanks)
If you read that whole thing, your crazy amazing dood! Im suprised I even wrote that much. Aight, I'm done ranting, y'all can attac me now, or agree (probs not), ion. Churr