so you like the fact that this is rape huh??? and that this damn uke is letting him get away with it???? I can give my negative opinion because these type of manwha is giving us the ' it's okay to be rape lets forget it since the sex is hot' your the trash here, you don't need to reply to my comment if you don't like it, why do you think the dislike button is there

You know what I'm not going to waste my time on you, because your comment just makes you look dumb enough, ' I can tell the difference between a fantasy and reality' you need to get help because the fact you are accepting rape in this 'Fantasy' is just as accepting it in real life but if you don't accept it in reality then what makes it okay to accept/add rape on any platform even on mangas, manwhas, manhua and webtoons??? This will be my last comment for you because like I said I am not going to waste my time on trying to get through that big head of yours. Bye Karen

hello, turtletwat. it's been a while. Aren't you the one who told me to rape you myself after I responded to a comment of yours about 5 different times? As raindragon.
If I'm wrong it's no surprise to me. I could be wrong. If you're the same one, it's funny cuz I was just thinking about you yesterday because you gave me just about the most unique response I've ever had.

I suppose I have a soft spot for bullys, yes. haha, horny? isn't everyone?
I like rape as a fantasy. mostly I'd hate to see all authors, especially this one, bend over and sanitize their work due to fan pressure.
Fans have lousy taste. Aeju proved that when she changed the end of Food Chain to suit a bunch of me-too fujoshits.

LOOK WHOSE BACK EVERYONE! NOT JUST THE CLOWN BUT THE ENTIRE CIRCUS IS BACK IN TOWN! I’m not gonna ask how you’ve been since I don’t care but what I will say is that I completely forgot about you! Can’t wait to see you on the news when you rape a child because of how horny you are!
Even if I’m horny I’m not that desperate that I get off to gay child porn! Like I said before I don’t have time for low lives who get off to gay child porn so imma bounce! Bye bye! See ya don’t wanna see/be ya
Just look at regular gay porn like a normal person omg

Yes people do have kinks and some people like the rape! Some people have rape play! Stop being so ignorant and an asshole. Your the trash her for shaming others Kinks and even shaming them for liking something is just sad. Say you don’t like it and leave, you don’t need to be a dick and shame others, as well as the author for your anger issues

Plus saying you like someone getting raped as a kink is still wrong. It’s like saying, “Oh I like seeing a child getting fucked but it’s my kink so it’s no big deal!” It’s still wrong even if you like that shit. Idk what you guys are smoking but keep that shit away from me. And yes I’m proud to kink shame if it’s something so morally wrong!

consent is the stupidest, most dangerous shit ever, and you've been set up by all those sex ed teachers who filled your heads with it. You're completely oblivious, ignorant little jerks and stupid as hell if you can't figure out why and what's wrong with your idiotic consent. There's no magic security blanket of protection against rape, stupid idiots. You think consent will protect your stupid asses? I can think of ten ways a bastard like me can use that ridiculous consent shit against you. go suck your thumbs and think on it. god you're such stupid, sniveling little creeps.
Sorry but this bl is dumb asf......and the sex was off putting for me, don't know why people like this manga when the uke is dumb as heck plus the seme is a rapist - I guess some readers love this kind of thing huh.......this is disgusting and before anyone complains about what I've just said this is my opinion and I stand by it