I'm just fed up the uke

Cookiebear September 12, 2020 1:07 am

I'll keep it a buck 1.50 I deadass hate the uke like he makes me angry like he's sooo fucking annoying bruh. he batshit dumb and he acts like the biggest freaking baby like all he knows is to cry, run away and blame other people for his own problems like he has me pissed. you can down vote my opinion to the pits of hell for all i care I just can't stand the uke. if I was seo-young or whatever the semes name was I would have broken up a long time ago. I would be to fed up. But thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. please stay hydrated, get some rest and take care of your self! even if I don't know you just know I support you and love you ♡

    nic0le October 20, 2020 12:00 pm

    i love how this went from