This is only my guess tho.
Since the plan is in order to deceive the prince and the royal family he would be against it if he finds out, MC mentions they were in love and that Veronica now would be the one taking away that love, I do believe if he finds out (which let's be honest, who would even suspect that?) they would be accused of treason for killing the empress.

Technically speaking they would, but what if they bargained his son's life to escape the treason? If the prince loved Elena, he would feel the need to the avenge her, but what if he can't because they hold the prince's life in their hands? Also what if the only thing he loved about Elena was her being Veronica, like the power of the Duke supporting him (which is possible if he had competition for the throne), so he doesn't bother avenging her. What happens to the son then? What if he has another son with Veronica and his first son dies in a "tragic accident"? What id he and Veronica have a daughter next? Would Veronica still kill the son? So many questions

I love theorizing like this ! here I go
I don't think they have the power to bargained his son, how would they even start with that? But being honest, how he could even notice his wife was exchange? "She is not the same person as before after she gave birth" is what he can think at most, unless a serious investigation is hold up if he is giving a strong reason to do so.
If the power of the duke was that great and important "Veronica" wouldn't need to work so damn hard to be the crown princess, that would be handed down to her easily, heck, they would have being engaged since kids if the royal family needed that badly, which makes me think there are other powerful households with marriageable ladies.
It's very probably the prince has competition as you said.
ayyyyyyyyyy, so many questions, I do hope to see a glance of her previous life, I do not hope to see what happens after her death, that would be a whole another story, but with the clues of her past it would be easier to know how the future after her death could have being.

Yess the theorising is great, I'm loving it. About the Duke power, since Veronica and Elena look like two peas in a pod, the son could also have difficulties understanding why the father is suddenly so defensive, and instead would try to make his mother happy. He might spend way more time with his mother, making it that much easier for Veronica to get rid of him.
Also, I'm going to assume that there are more than just one Ducal family, and if there are other princes, each Duke or Maquis will probably support their chosen prince, and a whole lot of difficult royal politics would come into play. The Duke might be extremely powerful among the aristocracy, but night not have that much of a say concerning the issues of the royal family. Really there are a lot of factors that we probably have no idea about. In the first place, why was it so important for Elena to take up the "not-dead-at-all" Veronica's place. Why did she have to fake her death? So many questions rose up in so few chapters, let's hope we get our answers quickly

I thought she might have health problems buuuuuuut, she seemed confident she could have a child AND the family seemed to have confidence she could return (that, or she was really, really, REALLY, extremely love to the point they never lost faith)
So what about magic? Kind of like a cursed that did not allow her to perform as a daughter, sadly we don't even know if magic exist in the first place or how common it is, and she probably was conscious the whole time as she seemed 100% on the plan and prepare to take the role as queen.
I also thought maaaaaaybe her life was threaded? , and they needed a double to take the sword in her place until they resolved that, but that could have being mention as a difficulty of being Veronica, so I find it unlikely for now.
Also, may mention how sus is that they found a double? Could they be distant relatives?
I actually want to know how the crown prince in the original timeline would react if he knew the truth.
Would he not care at all and just act as if Veronica was there all along? Had he fallen in love with Elena, so he kills Veronica and makes his and Elenas son the next Emperor?
What happens to the son? ARGH so many questions