The artstyle

ristarice September 11, 2020 7:37 am

I adore the author’s artstyle! If anyone happens to know a way where I can read their work and support the artist please let me know! <3

    suljin94 September 12, 2020 8:57 pm

    you can check out more of their arts on their tumblr diabolism666 or @/diabolism_st on twitter, they make the cutest ushijima and other hq boys fanarts

    septemvir September 13, 2020 3:12 pm
    you can check out more of their arts on their tumblr diabolism666 or @/diabolism_st on twitter, they make the cutest ushijima and other hq boys fanarts suljin94

    i KNEW i saw this art style somewhere i kNEW it

    ristarice September 13, 2020 4:42 pm

    thanks! i also read “something touch” (bad with names) ushijima x tendou work (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    suljin94 September 13, 2020 5:09 pm
    thanks! i also read “something touch” (bad with names) ushijima x tendou work (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 ristarice

    most welcome (⌒▽⌒)
    ah yeah i knew that as well but i only found it in either korean or japanese so i haven't read it yet