I’m really happy that Dojin corrected his friend to say Taehee’s name rather than “Taehwan’s brother.” I myself am an introvert with an extrovert older sister. She’s a social butterfly, and loves going out, meanwhile I’m practically the opposite. Everyone always expects me to be another version of her, and it’s annoying when they get disappointed that I don’t live up to their expectation of me. So having a friend that sticks up for you, and reminds people that you’re your own separate person can be so important and comforting.
Not to mention that hakf the time Dojin becomes forced to socialize because of his brother, even when the brother isn't present in the same area LOL Mar
True, like when a bunch of people were drinking at their place. Or when they went to the Halloween party. It’s nice to get out sometimes, but some situations can be too much.
I’m really happy that Dojin corrected his friend to say Taehee’s name rather than “Taehwan’s brother.” I myself am an introvert with an extrovert older sister. She’s a social butterfly, and loves going out, meanwhile I’m practically the opposite. Everyone always expects me to be another version of her, and it’s annoying when they get disappointed that I don’t live up to their expectation of me. So having a friend that sticks up for you, and reminds people that you’re your own separate person can be so important and comforting.