Comment on comments

ristarice September 11, 2020 12:30 am

I don’t know if I was just carelessly reading but I guess I didn’t pick up the same things people thought about the story. I know there’s lots of problems in this story if we apply modern standards (well the mating scene with an actual wolf is quite strange in general) but I don’t really see it as a problem in the context of this story? I’m not the best at expressing my thoughts on things but what I’m trying to say is that um we shouldn’t criticize this without thinking about it contextually?
( ̄∇ ̄")

    peace_yow September 13, 2020 12:23 pm

    +1. Actually, I liked that scene where Kaede does it with wolf Ren a lot more than when human Ren did the preparation with his fingers during their kataika month. At least with the former, Kaede was 100% doing it of his own volition, he was the active party and he didn't even seem uncomfortable. Plus it was necessary so what is even the problem. The latter actually seems a lot more questionable to me since most of the time, Ren wasn't nice enough to deal with Kaede's aphrodisiac induced state till the end. Which imo is a total dick move xD but then again, Ren's emotional state isn't quite normal so who knows how that might have influenced his level of consideration for others...