damn girl go Off. but yeah thats my thing with minho. seeing him cry is what makes him tolerable as a character. if he was the way he was without any blowback he would just be insufferable. basically he's not imo sympathetic but he IS pitiful. but calling Minho an asshole (even tho he's called as much in the comic by many people...) gets hit with "so he DESERVES to be raped???" no bitch but it sure as fuck makes it harder to care doesnt it? which again this is fiction and we know exactly how minho operates. in real life u cant rly know if someone is an asshole 24/7 but in this comic we do know minho brings almost all of his misfortune on himself via bad decision making and his unchecked ego. that somehow remains intact no matter how many times Doona stomps on him.

Yeah and the issue is that as a character he had his arcs so you'd think he'd get some sense kicked into him at one point but nah, it's like he has a cunt switch that just turns on and off. Coincidentally when he hit rock bottom after being assaulted he was basically just acting like hanseol. There was no trace of his usual personality and no traces of this side of him was left as soon as he felt better. He's a tiring character to see, but at the same time it's late to change him now and give him a happy ending. Like the only route I see is just to crush his spirit and make him stfu... Just PLEASE make him stfu author

the way Doona just unloads an unholy wrath on Minho every. single. time just feels so Pointed like. so many times i joked early on that the author specifically hates minho and is working out some real life anger towards men like him via his sex acts with Doona. like minho is an exaggerated version of a Type of man almost all women have met at least once. (and possibly even dated before they knew better ofc). and i thought this back in chpt like 25 and then in chpt 100 the author was like "oh i knew a guy like minho in college...i couldnt understand him at all~" smth like that. and it just...explains SO much. anyway Minho isnt rly written as someone who is going to learn or grow from what he's going thru. Doona doesnt rly learn or grow either but she's also not suffering any consequences and doing just fine in her life so far. Minho is the one suffering on the regular for being well who he is and....he's not gonna change lol. but also CAN he even change? who knows. anyway i dont think there's any kind of happy ending for minho, the best case scenario for minho is for him to get over his obsession with Doona and just go learn how to be a good man and then find a woman who will only consensually peg him into oblivion. (someone a while back said the story will probably end with doona having minho and haesol as her "endgame" subs but who knows if that's the case.)

big agree I definitely know men like minho in my everyday life, and if you do know someone like him, everything he says digs at you on a personal level. So what I'm saying is that there's no hope for him, seeing him changed and happy would just piss me off more and I'm pretty sure the author is on the same boat lolol

LOL yup. like there's so much latent anger and spite in Doona's interactions with Minho that feels more deep seated than simply what we've seen Minho do within the comic (which isnt great but one could make the argument that the punishment does not fit his crimes as laid out in the text so far) However if u look at Minho as a certain kind of man and a certain part of our patriarchal system....like the way he dismisses Doona's work in the beginning is a real thing male creatives do to women's work ALL the time and have been for eons. and ofc Yeonhui (the writer) being a woman in SK which isnt like super backwards but is dealing with alot of gender equality reckoning lately and general chauvinism just ingrained in the society in a very real and more obvious way than say people in western countries may be used to. (not cause we in the west are SO much more volved but the nature of the culture is a little different, i cant rly go into it more deeply here lol). but yeah this is prob taking a sex comic too seriously but ithis is why the MInho scenes dont bother me that much. they feel unpleasant sometimes cause there is a sense of anger and more specifically this desire for Revenge that isnt present in her scenes with other characters. like it feels Personal. it doesnt feel like play or like fun but more like "I wish i could do this to all the men who've been disrespectful to me over the years, I WANT TO MAKE THEM CRY FROM GETTING FUCKED IN THE ASS" and ofc those guys like Minho are almost always super homophobic and uptight. hell u can meet some of these guys if u go on toonily comment sections right now tbh. (its another site like thi sone but unlike this one the commenters are overwhelmingly male). but yeah, i feel with Yeonhui's anger, and while her form of revenge isnt precisely what i would choose. i respect her using her perverted sensibilities to work out her very real frustrations with men outside of the land of fiction. so yeah i think people feel that when they read these chapters and become uncomfortable but if u can sympathize with the writer's feelings and see Minho for the Type that he is...its easier to get what the author is trying to do. tho that doesnt mean you'll find it sexy ofc. just maybe less difficult to get through. anyway thats my essay on That lol
I can't bring myself to feel sorry for minho. This dude is spiteful, petty, full of hate and envy and keeps blaming everyone but himself for his own problems. Such a conceited son of a bitch, always with "whore" or "slut" on his mouth, trying to determine how women should live by men's standards. He's continuously putting others down to feel better about his self made inferiority complex. I fucking despise him. Doona was always WAY too soft on him and his bullshit, his insults, his petty remarks. I won't say he "deserves it" because that's bullshit but I also don't fucking care. He doesn't deserve pity, and I can't bring myself to even blame doona for snapping. This kind of bastard, I would have left him to the psycho colleague. Maybe he'd learn to shut the fuck up