God damnit..

HeyHeyPeople! September 10, 2020 2:18 am

Assume, assume, and assume. That's all they do in this fucking book, but what they never do, is ASK. Sure they ask other people, but they never ask the RIGHT people. And because they don't ask the right people, or people at all, it repeats. They assume more and more and more, which leads to hatred and distrust.

    cold hearted September 10, 2020 3:23 am

    Well you can't blame them for that they know the emperor to be a tyrant that can kill anyone, they didn't know that their mother had a Contract that could kill the emperor and to be honest the emperor should have cleared up the 5 years of bullshit the kid face cause it was not heaven for the kids ,their lives were worse than hell. I get that you probably hate the twins but all the fault falls on the royal family cause they are more older so they should have know that the kids would want to know why they went through the bullshit they went through

    HeyHeyPeople! September 10, 2020 3:35 am
    Well you can't blame them for that they know the emperor to be a tyrant that can kill anyone, they didn't know that their mother had a Contract that could kill the emperor and to be honest the emperor should ha... cold hearted

    Woah woah woah, hate is a strong word my guy. I never said I hated them, I'm just saying somebody needs to open their mouth and step forward before things get even more out of hands. Basically, someone needs to confront the other and demand the truth, the emperor or the kids, either way, all I'm just saying is that I wish they would ask instead of assuming everything.

    cold hearted September 10, 2020 3:45 am
    Woah woah woah, hate is a strong word my guy. I never said I hated them, I'm just saying somebody needs to open their mouth and step forward before things get even more out of hands. Basically, someone needs to... HeyHeyPeople!

    Got it

    Sato Mafuyu September 10, 2020 4:09 am

    To be fair, hearing your father directly saying that he'd definitely kill you before your birth without the contract is pretty devastating

    cold hearted September 10, 2020 4:10 am
    To be fair, hearing your father directly saying that he'd definitely kill you before your birth without the contract is pretty devastating Sato Mafuyu

    I agree with you on that, you have a point there

    Wampoyu September 10, 2020 4:43 am

    welcome to fucking reality

    Yangwolf September 10, 2020 5:06 am

    Don’t think too far into it. It’s just poor usage of wanting saucy drama. With books like these, I read without thinking too hard about details like character development and plot. Just go with it and enjoy it for what it is, even if they do or say annoying things.