no, your not the only one

He's too eager to become stronger for my liking :/ Like, he's trying to usurp Sasaki place. Too much power equals danger and Urie doesn't have enough trusting qualities to know that he's not going to revolt against the CCG. I wouldn't be surprised if he joined Aogiri in an effort to become stronger.

True that! I feel the same way, and I have to keep telling myself that Sasaki/Kaneki is much more powerful/badass given he had his little eating ghouls thing before and started off part ghoul. Maybe I just want Urie to see Sasaki/Kaneki go nuts and be all like, "oh shit maybe I should stop being so power hungry or I'll turn into THAT". Though that probably won't happen, as you said, he'll probably join Aogiri or something to get more powerful, but only so he can get powerful enough to take revenge on ghouls and the like. /:


The next sasuke uchiha

But he frusted about the ccg retreat and so his father died in the hands of ghouls. I think he fit's the story. Even if he's being manipulative for himself, he has a strong personality, don't think he would sell himself that easy. I think he will get stronger and will improve his character, hope so, don't like people like him too, but give him a chace :D
╥﹏╥ does anyone else find urie annoying?