For yall who dont like the sister

YeeHaW September 9, 2020 6:21 pm

Honestly I really dislike the MC. He really hates his sister?? . sure there was all that taking attention stuff, but was that really her fault? She was a kid shes not at fault. Also he constantly shits on her and looks down on her?? her whole entire being is actually pretty cool? she seems like a pretty cool sister and one fun to interact with. And then this dude actually has the audacity to want to go to confess his feelings to his sisters fiance( haha fake con man fiance I honestly feel really bad for her) no offense but thats a line you should never cross if its between family like that. You should ask at the very least. And even if you had feelings like those you should push them down and forget about it unlesss your sibling says its okay??? LIKE COMMON DECENCY???

    Spoop September 10, 2020 7:53 am

    Humans are complicated beings who have complicated feelings about things ¯_(ツ)_/¯ What can ya do?

    YeeHaW September 10, 2020 4:41 pm
    Humans are complicated beings who have complicated feelings about things ¯_(ツ)_/¯ What can ya do? Spoop

    ahh your right

    Liz September 11, 2020 9:26 am

    Ye I really like the sister a lot, I felt like a lot of his feelings towards her were lowkey misogynistic

    YeeHaW September 12, 2020 12:06 am
    Ye I really like the sister a lot, I felt like a lot of his feelings towards her were lowkey misogynistic Liz

    i got the same vibes like- I feel like a gay man or someone who is dating a gay person should be for womens rights? It makes perfect sense but ig not

    Liz September 12, 2020 4:42 pm
    i got the same vibes like- I feel like a gay man or someone who is dating a gay person should be for womens rights? It makes perfect sense but ig not YeeHaW

    Generally those who are oppressed stick together, but I don’t think it’s that simple.

    plinky25 September 15, 2020 11:10 am

    Lmao I don’t know about the whole romance part. But for the beginning about sh*tting on his sister and looking down on her, a lot of sibling relationships are like that. I have close friends who really hate their older sisters just cause they’ve known them better and know their worst sides better than anyone else. Plus both my friends have older sisters that they do look down on in a way because their sisters both are grown women who still live in their parents house and don’t do anything but sit around the house and complain.

    Lots of other sibling relationships are much worse than the one you see here, so in my opinion I can’t really see him as hating his sister or being bad in a way. I have another friend who’s sibling relationships are so distant that she naturally thinks it’s weird for people to talk to their annoying siblings while it’s normal for her and her own, to not talk at all. It’s a natural love/hate relationship thing with siblings that is normal irl. Of course there are relationships which are actually friendly and good, but I know nothing of that lmao.

    I don’t have a sister or older sibling but I have a younger bro. It’s a mutual sort of frenemies sibling relationship we have lol. We insult each other all the time, look down on the other all the time. We get into fights a lot too (some physical, some with words). But eventually are cool because we ask for favors from each other or just don’t care. It’s like our hate resets at the end of the day and the next day we’re chilling.

    plinky25 September 15, 2020 11:16 am

    Anyways continuing from my comment ^^
    I think he just is unhappy cause she doesn’t do anything to help out around the house but laze around lol. Since he does most of the housework, she could share some chores.

    That’s all, but it’s easy for strangers/outsiders to say that they think a certain sibling is cool. But truthfully they don’t know how they actually feel until you have to live with them 24/7 and that includes all bad sides of them. I’ve always been told from my friends that they think my brother is nice or that my brother’s friends think he’s really nice but I’m like:
    ( ̄(エ) ̄)
    “You don’t know how he’s actually like at home and how he treats me and my parents when he’s mad/doesn’t get what he wants. He’s a DEMON SPAWN”

    YeeHaW September 15, 2020 2:20 pm
    Lmao I don’t know about the whole romance part. But for the beginning about sh*tting on his sister and looking down on her, a lot of sibling relationships are like that. I have close friends who really hate t... plinky25

    mm yeah I guess so, but like even me and my sibling dont do that .. We hate eachother but never something like this, but I get your point