I xant really blame him honestly.
His first kids are not what we consider normal. They age differently, and ultimately they developed differently mentally as they were treated like royals instead of normal humans.
Since he couldn't be near them he doesnt know how to really interact with them noting that the twins also dont have the same mentality as would children the age they should and still think mostly like thier past lives. They're supposed to be 5 but at 5 did your parents really have any in depth conversations with you? Mind you all children are different and I myself have very vivid memories but I doubt any parent could have a conversation with a 5 yr old about contracts, death, and stolen sperm.

I understand what you're saying, but even little kids know clearly what they want. I don't understand why such a big decision is something he rushed into. Even if he has no clue about Arien and Arjen's ability to comprehend situations, he could've given them a reason why he decided to move them back to their old house. That would've given the twin's what they felt like would've been an opportunity to voice their feelings. As an adult of over 30 years of age, I can't see why his way of thinking would lead to something so drastic instead of something else that would grant the twins space away from him without feeling like they're being abandoned again.
Ok so the emperor had his reasons for not getting involved with the twins. I'm still annoyed that he doesn't know how to ask the twins what they want. Like does he think that they don't have mouths? Why is he deciding something so important off of what someone else said?You haven't even explained anything to the twins, how are you going to expect them to understand your intentions??? No.1 Father of Year award for this man please.