Chae_Anika September 8, 2020 5:54 pm

OKAY! So, I started this back when the scanlations only went up to Allendis and Tia meeting, and I dropped it after Allendis betrayed her(the first time, he didn't believe her) but I came back, dropped it again as I began reading about the Prince....
I completely understand why people hate this because of the love story with the Prince, like it's obviously hinted at? Trust me, I was so pissed off I dropped it for a year the second time around. BUT.

Okay, so Tia obviously needs tons of therapy for all the PTSD she has, that girl has SUFFERED A LOT. Keep in mind, the story follows HER perspective on HER life. No doubt, it was HORRIBLE. The Prince was a shithead, Ji Run was a fake ass green tea bitch pretending to be a white lotus/moonlight..... Tia is absolutely right to avoid the Prince the second time around.
SO WHY ARE WE LEARNING ABOUT THE PRINCE? Well, remember how th story is only from Tia's perspective? This time around, she does stuff different, the Prince is NOT one of those "you say no to me so now I want you" types, thankfully. He observes her from his own rock, and you see that even this guys has obvious trauma from the bullshit parenting his stupid Father has done. (Not buying the "tough love today makes a enduring emperor tomorrow nonsense)
Both of them have ISSUES. I honestly was super skeptical of any love story(still am, both of them NEED to learn how to communicate and work together), but I UNDERSTAND the rationale behind it. At this point, I want the Prince to work harder, but Tia also needs to confide into people instead of taking the world on her shoulders. She's a great heroine, but she's got a long way to go if she wants the steady relationship+ good life she once dreamt of.

TL;DR: Prince bad in past life? YES. Prince bad in present life? YES. Prince changing like any other human? YES. RuTia Love story okay? not now, but maybe if things go better, YES!
Thank you for reading! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Xylade September 9, 2020 12:15 am


    But the question is: where does this feeling come from? She had no reason to love him in both timelines and she decided to get back with him before he did anything actually worthy. The vow for example was after she agreed to marry him... while supposedly infertile meaning he will have to take a concubine. She even accepted to get back with him before learning what happened in the First timeline from Ji-eun. This is what is making this story disturbing, empty and shallow. You can't make your heroine have debilitating PTSD and endure such brutal abuse only to have her magically overcome it enough to start pinning for her past abuser AND make her have the more character development (and take the more actions) of the two (in fact rewritting of personality) to suit the tastes of said past abuser.

    For the feelings, how do you think she has them? In the First timeline he started humiliating her and neglecting her as a child and then abused her. They didn't even eat together more than two times. And the second timeline rely on the fact that she is STILL in love with him. You can't say that they are fated because her new name literally say that she will not be bounded by God's will anymore... What a mess.

    Chae_Anika September 9, 2020 4:34 am
    *CONTAINS NOVEL SPOILERS*But the question is: where does this feeling come from? She had no reason to love him in both timelines and she decided to get back with him before he did anything actually worthy. The ... Xylade

    I do agree with your point about PTSD, that is why I said they all need SO much therapy, urgently! And that's why I said, they have a long way to go before any kind of stable "romance" could work out between the two. As far as the feelings go, I think it stems from the fact that they are still 16-17 year old kids, who, despite being super smart and precocious, have those idealistic dreams of love( we are shown that past life Aristia wanted that kind of relationship with the Prince) She may be empathizing with the Prince in this life because she's shown as a highly empathetic character (suffered so much trauma, but she decided to be kind, which is honestly a tough task). I doubt she actually likes or loves the Prince, if the author shows that right now, it would just ruin the character development they have both had. I don't think the year long deadline is enough for them to sort their+imperial shit out, but it's all up to how the author plays it. I'm just more open to accepting a possible love story than I was before, given that it's written well.

    Xylade September 9, 2020 8:01 am
    I do agree with your point about PTSD, that is why I said they all need SO much therapy, urgently! And that's why I said, they have a long way to go before any kind of stable "romance" could work out between th... Chae_Anika

    I don't think any sane human being will gonna be like the MC after the the hell and trauma she's had, that's why many have a difficult time accepting her journey (esp the spoiler of the ending). That's why I really had the distaste for the author for pairing her up with her past TL abuser, I would have been comfortable with the prince becoming a side character in the present.

    Well its mostly the author's fault tho.

    First this author builds up rage and hatred against a special character. Then the MC doesn't have any hatred but just scared in 2nd TL, which is fine considering she is just a fictional character plus she's safe and had much time to think about stuff. But we are still left with that hatred.
    What makes it even worse is the fact that we all understood too well why she was afraid of the prince. The fact, that she didn't seek revenge made it even better. And than she even told god she would go against her fate! Man, we all loved her for that.
    And now this.
    We can't bring ourselves to hate her, so where do we put all that hatred?
    What was the point of this story when she has to bear with all that and then all of that emotion will be sent to nothing.
    And then this author had the gall to show us that "No matter how bad a guy treats you and what horror you suffer, you can change him"- story which is-
    I give you that. But that is not what we want to see after this started like that.
    With her experience and that start we don't all sit here waiting for them to come together.

    sunset of tears September 12, 2020 9:32 am

    It's a quite interesting review so I would enjoy it.
    I don't think that history revolves around redemption, changes in the strict sense, of course, this is also talked about, but it is not the premise of history. If that were the case, the story would revolve around the story of Ruve and Tia, but that's not how things evolve. She allowed others to change, undoubtedly. Her relationship with friendship, her father, even how things change with Ruve, but that's not why she was sent back in time in my opinion.
    I think the lesson to be learned is "Don't let things go on without communication, with a thousand misunderstandings and machinations". Leaving aside who is to blame for Ruve's behavior because at the moment we don't care, it is legitimate to think that any human would rush away from a certain context especially if it causes serious problems and possibly trauma.
    She does, at first she is reluctant to make any contact with the imperial house even though she knows she cannot avoid it. she can't do her own thing, she knows her family history well and she can't express contempt at the emperor's words or she would end up accused of treason - that's all she wants to avoid, what she has to do is keep the waters calm until upon the arrival of someone who ALREADY knows she cannot avoid. In avoiding the prince as much as possible, she learns from his own contact, the years pass but she still lives in a context in which she slowly gets used to his presence or at least knows that he is there. In short, she doesn't live light years away from him.

    Meanwhile, being gifted with common sense fortunately, she observes the prince's behavior, makes the necessary differentiations and thinks that the prince has probably changed because she herself has changed. But, as we know, that's not the only reason.

    The author tends to familiarize us with certain concepts: "Don't confuse me with someone else," say Ruve, because actually being traumatized by someone who doesn't want to undermine you in any way is not very rational. I understand that the way those bad memories act is not rational at all and may seem unrealistic, but guys, this is a fairy tale, not real life. If he could totally escape, a normal person would have done it ( as she tried to do in the summer estate realizing she was just running away and creating nothing to overcome her condition ).

    Then you will say "yes, it's a fairy tale, but why end up with Ruve when there are other guys?" Because actually the story wants to show how not understanding each other, not trusting others, living in a harmful environment without being able to trust each other, has hurt both of us. Let's face it: she is dead but Ruve has been manipulated and poisoned for who knows how long, it's not that it's a very happy ending for him.

    As Rousseau said, man is not born evil or brought to good by his nature, but because he is conditioned by many factors. I don't want to make philosophical speeches when they are not needed, but to condemn someone first is foolish and that Tia begins to understand to about chapter 80/90 more or less.

    I thank those who have read to the end and I hope I have explained myself ╥﹏╥

    Xylade September 15, 2020 12:20 am
    It's a quite interesting review so I would enjoy it. I don't think that history revolves around redemption, changes in the strict sense, of course, this is also talked about, but it is not the premise of histor... sunset of tears

    He humiliated her to levels beyond i could predict... if the author wanted to make this ship work, he should have tuned down how bad he was. watching her falling in love with him again just makes this unbearable.