huhh can someone tell me who is dohoon lol i don't remember him??

appletree September 8, 2020 4:02 pm

huhh can someone tell me who is dohoon lol i don't remember him??

    Bassam September 8, 2020 5:23 pm

    He is ewon's BFF (they have been friends for the last 10y).in the main ma'ga, he was the person who let ewon crash at his house when ewon had that fight with the boss

    appletree September 9, 2020 5:34 pm
    He is ewon's BFF (they have been friends for the last 10y).in the main ma'ga, he was the person who let ewon crash at his house when ewon had that fight with the boss Bassam

    ohhhh omg thank u (≧∀≦)