The nobels were pissing me off

Chiko September 8, 2020 2:19 pm

"It's a commoner food, don't over do it", Wtf do they think is gonna happen when they eat it?? Commoners drink water too, will the nobles stop drinking it because commoners do too? Woooow look at her, she's so brave for sacrificing herself to try the sweet potato

    Moniqa September 8, 2020 4:32 pm

    My thoughts exactly. We all breath and shit the same, what the hell is their problem? Like of course there are things commoners can’t afford to eat or drink. And maybe there are things commoners eat that isn’t as good just to sustain themselves and of course the wealthy don’t eat that then because they can afford better things. But come on they behave like it will turn them into frogs if consumed