okay so why the hell does that prince need two women in his life?can't he be satisfied wit...

Do I really need a nickname? September 8, 2020 1:10 pm

okay so why the hell does that prince need two women in his life?can't he be satisfied with only one?candant he just have only one wife?why are those women are also willing to share him?

    Aria H. September 8, 2020 5:44 pm

    I mean because this is a “historical” manwha with some fantasy aspect, it can be based on how men were able to take many mistresses if they were royal/had money and women were seen as property. With the introduction of Christianity and other religions that believe in one God/being, men and women married only for record keeping for the church but adultery still occurred. I’m looking at you King Henry the 8th . In this manwha’s case, it’s only natural for the Emperor to have concubines because “men are allowed to seek sexual satisfaction elsewhere” and some other bs. I can’t say the same for the Empress but every eligible noble lady would do their absolute best to gain the favor of the crown prince for political purposes such as more territory for their family, titles, money and so on.

    Chae_Anika September 8, 2020 5:55 pm

    Yeah those royal/noble customs are BULLSHIT