My theory...

Amber2019 September 7, 2020 7:56 pm

Kinister is in love with jonathan, ciero is in love with kinister and all the 32 people cerio killed was close friends with kinister (ciero didn't like people being close with kinister (brother complex or whatever), then robert fell in love with cerio and killed the 33rd person on cerio orders for something like proving his love e.c.t (Robert not knowing cerio is in love with kinister) (cerio probably lied to robert to get him to kill the 33rd person) . So now robert is trying to get Jonathan over seas where Jonathan is alone and then it would be easier for cerio to kill him. However we need a back story on how kinister met Jonathan

    11.11 September 7, 2020 11:16 pm

    Damn okay-

    Amber2019 September 7, 2020 11:53 pm
    Damn okay- 11.11

    Thats what I understand so far of the story hehe XD