
Nasty*Gourmet February 5, 2015 8:45 am

Do you guys buy manga? If yes, how many do you have already? :)

    amara February 5, 2015 9:07 am

    more than 500

    Clyde February 5, 2015 9:40 am

    Probably less than 15.

    kyoko-chan February 5, 2015 10:17 am

    I think I've got about 200 mangas, probably a few more :D

    NarutoYaoiROCK February 5, 2015 10:26 am

    About 50 mangas but i was lazy to buy because i use free read manga online XD

    hideyuki maya's February 5, 2015 11:06 am

    I dont have any...
    i just read it online XD

    ❀sakurako❀ February 5, 2015 11:23 am

    i dont have any there's no manga store in our place ..

    mikami February 5, 2015 11:45 am

    a few hundred I guess. I started with doraemon since I was like 7 or 8? then it was dragonballs, sailormoon, OnePiece... it escalated pretty quickly LOL

    dragonchildyuki February 5, 2015 2:13 pm

    About 300 (^.^)//

    Vinaaa February 5, 2015 2:49 pm

    a few hundred I think

    kun February 5, 2015 3:25 pm

    just 10 for now.. those nags are so effing expensive x_x
    I'm still saving $$$ to buy more x)

    kun February 5, 2015 3:26 pm

    those mangas**

    Ibara February 5, 2015 4:19 pm

    Plz Don't make me jealous I don't ve any manga store in my area, feel pity on myself..but online is best i guess for picking what u like*:)

    Chriss February 5, 2015 4:49 pm

    I would buy too but in my country you can hardly find any type of manga *sob* there are some online shops but everything it's soo freaking expensive for me, guess I'm too poor... T_T
    this is why I love this site so much <3

    Onna31 February 5, 2015 8:35 pm

    More than 100vol,but thn stop whn it getting harder to find a complete set of the manga i read(many of my manga is incomplete), my countrty hv old manga collection and hot manga are hardly in bookstore shelf, so i stop buying and just read online.