omg that's just horrible. well, in my country if a man or even woman was groped the groper would be flying toothless to another city.... and I wish other societies could go this way as well because the molesters dont deserve any good. Teaching people to endure even something like this or making them shameful is so wrong...

If a man gets their ass groped by another man , it'd better to not do anything anf shut up spare themselves the embarrasment and humiliation like how are they goona report it? Do they just straight up say "A man gropped my ass, please arrest him" people can be spiteful in how they perceive this event but that's just me
Do men in Japan really do nothing when a weird perveted ass is groping them in public? Like... it's a theme in pretty every manga and I wonder if it's really like that or the mangakas just like making ukes into such weak dummies...