What thE FUCK

Gay highlighter September 6, 2020 9:56 pm

No why does everyone on here fetishize r*pe literally fucking die

    airin September 7, 2020 10:33 pm
    You are completely right, but I believe this person is too young and has been on the internet too much to change their opinion. If they continue to disagree rather than do actual research, we should just let th... airin

    uneducated bigot* might I add

    ToLiveOrNotToLive September 8, 2020 12:58 am
    There’s NO SUCH THING as a redemption arcs for r*pists!!! There’s NO forgiveness here they don’t deserve to be forgiven they deserve jail time and honestly they deserve deathAnd if u can read shit about r... Gay highlighter

    I'm not overlooking it, I do think that it is absolutely disgusting in real life, but...I mean didn't you read it to? I was just saying there is no reason to waste your time getting so upset over it. It is just a fictional story between fictional character and I think you are being extremely immature to the point where you cannot handle that fact. Leave people to their opinions instead of making them feel like them, themselves are human trash. also even if someone can read stuff about rape that definitely does not mean that they are okay with it? No one is attacking you, and if you are truly still so upset about these things then you should just leave the story behind and leave people alone.