saph would you possibly be able to do other bls as well? ik ur working on a couple right n...

deadname September 6, 2020 11:32 am

saph would you possibly be able to do other bls as well? ik ur working on a couple right now but there are some that ive been reading that haven't updated in like,, months

    Saphyra September 6, 2020 12:35 pm

    Yes, I have some too! But mine go for years now

    Saphfire September 6, 2020 3:07 pm

    Unfortunately I'm not a translator but you can still tell me which ones and if I can upload them, I will.

    deadname September 6, 2020 3:27 pm
    Unfortunately I'm not a translator but you can still tell me which ones and if I can upload them, I will. Saphfire

    zombid hide sex ! ive been waiting for what feels like years for that thing to update lol

    Saphfire September 6, 2020 4:55 pm
    zombid hide sex ! ive been waiting for what feels like years for that thing to update lol deadname

    Oh actually I looked into that one already a little while ago because I was also waiting for it to get updated but I couldn't find anything. Not even raws. But there's someone I can ask to possibly check and see if it's available somewhere.

    Saphfire September 6, 2020 5:35 pm
    zombid hide sex ! ive been waiting for what feels like years for that thing to update lol deadname

    I was able to find it on the Japanese Renta site. There's currentlt 13 chapters there, so we're missing 2 of them. I joined the Discord of the group translating it to see if they're going to update it soon as well. If I can figure out how to clean and typeset though, I'll definitely try my hand at all this lol.

    Saphfire September 6, 2020 8:12 pm

    This is what the scan group said about the Zombie Hide Sex manga:
    "Zombie hide sex is a joint work with another scan. As soon as they have the translation, we will update it. I also want to know what happens next!!!!"
    The manga, as well as their other uploads can also be read on their discord channel which is shown on the last few chapters of the manga.