i think i know which one you're talking about. The second part is accurate but the first one wasn't a werewolf but some other kind of demon and he was the infirmary sensei. I remember the translation of the title was something like droplets of desire but thats all those japanese names never stick with me u.u"
hope it helped.
Is it this one?
Long time ago I read a Yaoi Manga about werewolves that attends school. One of them falls in love with a normal Classmate and they got together... Then there was another werewolve that was jealous about their relationship and said that normal People are just sextoys for him. Later he rapes another classmate and while he was doing it, became a wolve or something like that - they also fell in love... (not sure about it/ btw it's not Sex Pistols) >__< Does anybody know that's the name of it? It was super hot!
Ps. Sorry for my english.