Dropping sorry

lilplum September 5, 2020 10:21 pm

Hi I just wanted to let you know I'm gna be dropping this. I'm tired of whoever is uploading this when they clearly know I been uploading this for months now. I'm tired of wasting my time to screen shot it, cropping it and stitching it together just for it to be uploaded by someone else (this is da secondtime and I'm not gna do this da third time). So please look forward to reading more by whoever is uploading this. It was nice uploading this manhwa while it lasted. Peace out guys. -plum

    Minyunkiwife September 5, 2020 10:42 pm

    Aw sorry for the inconvenience that was caused by the person. I myself dont know thhem but srry ur time was wasted #-.-)

    lilplum September 5, 2020 11:52 pm
    Aw sorry for the inconvenience that was caused by the person. I myself dont know thhem but srry ur time was wasted #-.-) Minyunkiwife

    Neither do I. Well theres alot of people especially da one whos been uploading it will pick it up. Thanks uploader-san for picking this up

    Mimiyuhhhh September 6, 2020 3:45 am

    Thank you so much for everything you've done up until now. Sorry you had to experience that ╥﹏╥

    Isinnedagain September 6, 2020 12:39 pm

    Awe I'm really sorry :( hope you have a good day