More discussion about what happened 4 years ago

bluemnm September 6, 2020 1:17 pm

[May contain spoiler]

I reread the novel again and realized that the author included a sentence where Issac said to himself he needed to have sex with someone or his heat would not go away. Before this, he tried to take several pills of inhibitor and masturbated, but none of them worked. This heat cycle was somehow more complicated than others before. The set up situation was basically that he HAD to have sex with someone or be destroyed by this heat.

Cue Felix. I believe he wanted to help the Omega in need. But it was obvious that he knew he would get some pleasure from it as well, so it can come across as if he was the only one who benefited from this situation. I recalled from the novel he was in rut at this time. He was taking some type of suppressant however because he did not like the idea of having sex with random Omegas to satisfy the urge. This suppressant had a side effect that made him not remember clearly everything during the period. His subordinates were aware of this but they did not bring it up to him because they did not think it was a big deal, and they could not bare seeing him suffering without it during his ruts. This side effect further explains why he could not recall Issac’s face.

The knotting was not intentional from either side. Issac initiated it by contacting his inside, but he did not know what he was doing. He had no experience with knotting before. Felix followed through with the process in the heat of the moment. Issac was mad at Felix at the knotting, which was why he broke his arm. I could not recall if Felix remembered the knotting part. From his point of view, he helped someone, it was a win-win situation, yet the other party turned back and hurt him afterward.

The situation is still not 100% consensual. But considering all the above factors, it was as consensual as it could be for both sides in a Omegaverse. Neither of them was taking advantage of the others to the best of their knowledge. Good for them everything worked out at the end of the day as they actually fell in love. But that is why we as audiences have to distinguish fiction and reality. Not all stories have this kind of happy ending.

Disclaimer: I was reading the Spanish version provided by Ero BLpages with English translation by Google. If I misunderstood any story detail or got it wrong, please let me know.

    Albus September 5, 2020 5:19 pm

    where did you read the novel??

    NicooRobinn September 6, 2020 2:44 pm

    Can I get the link to that please? The Ero bl pages

    vivi September 7, 2020 4:43 pm
    Can I get the link to that please? The Ero bl pages NicooRobinnón-finalizada

    Ill share it with you..
    I found it in the comments up there.. he/shes so kind..

    vivi September 7, 2020 8:01 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Tangerine

    There is... try moving the screen up down... youll see a bar in the bottom saying spanish/english then youll have to click the english... and itll translate

    vivi September 7, 2020 8:15 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Tangerine

    No prob..

    NicooRobinn September 8, 2020 1:04 am
    There is... try moving the screen up down... youll see a bar in the bottom saying spanish/english then youll have to click the english... and itll translate vivi

    Is this for iOS? I’m not seeing it (the bar) in the app

    vivi September 8, 2020 2:27 pm
    Is this for iOS? I’m not seeing it (the bar) in the app NicooRobinn

    Nope.. im using android.. wait for it to load completely and try moving it slowly.. if this still not work.. i dunno whats the problem.. haha