honestly what stain believed im starting to think the same: "villain" side// -twice he c...

Kino September 5, 2020 2:33 am

honestly what stain believed im starting to think the same:

"villain" side//
-twice he couldve been given proper therapy to solve his psychological setbacks and be an amazing rescue hero!
-Toga is great for espionage missions but her quirk was regarded as a villainous quirk the hero society couldve grown immensely if they just pushed their predjuce away!

"heroes" side//
-bakugo couldve had a way better personality if only the adults around him taught him better they put him on a pedestal which mightve led to his superiority complex, anger issues and fear of failure.
-The hero society just ignored the blatant abuse in the todoroki family household and solved nothing!
-Hawks was trained a government "weapon" now doesn't that just say I lot! It's sad how no this couldve been prevented but I do not have much info on this so I cant make a full opinion.

[Anyways that's basically all I wanna say so yeah the hero society is a piece of shit which can collapse at any given moment!]

    Lunalia September 5, 2020 2:37 am

    Yes it is, but destroying and killing everyone is definitly not the solution, no matter how noble your reasons are.

    Kino September 5, 2020 2:43 am
    Yes it is, but destroying and killing everyone is definitly not the solution, no matter how noble your reasons are. Lunalia

    Yes I totally i agree I see their motives but the way the execute it is a no-no for me!

    Lunalia September 5, 2020 2:46 am
    Yes I totally i agree I see their motives but the way the execute it is a no-no for me! Kino

    If only they could just discuss it while drinking some tea or something
    But it's interessing that the hero side isn't only good while the villain side is only bad. It shows that everything has flaws

    Lunalia September 5, 2020 2:47 am
    Yes I totally i agree I see their motives but the way the execute it is a no-no for me! Kino

    While the villain side is NOT only bad*

    LadyNot September 5, 2020 7:35 am

    Well, we can't have both sides. There's no perfect management in society because humans are complicated. Especially, if you've got a corrupt leader. There will always be someone or somebody left behind by the society's standard. Like a domino effect. As All Might said from previous chapter "We can't save them all. Instead, save who's within your reach." or something like that. Their reasoning are way beyond to be comprehend by the heroes perspective. They have different circumstances. That affects their growth as a person. This is inevitable. And also, I'm really disappointed and kinda mad about all mights previous master. Her action towards her own family is something you can really change. Like, she could've send his son to another country WITH A FUCKING EXPLANATION. She could've done that to avoid misunderstandings. Her sacrificial is in vain, tbh. This is just my opinion. Ty.