Fushoji or gay fetishist

aoi September 4, 2020 2:51 pm

So i started reading yaoi and its about 2 years now. One day i saw a topic about people (mostly girl) fetishizing gay and i started being worried about the fact that maybe i'm fetishizing gay.
I read and watch bl, i only did read 3 yuri ( After School OOSHIMA Tomo & OOSHIMA Towa,Angel x Demon and Two Birds in Spring). So can help me to know if i am a gay fetishist pls.
And sorry for grammar mistakes.

    ap0calypse September 4, 2020 3:00 pm

    i've thought about this so many times too! let's face it honestly, we ARE facing gay guys lmao there's no way around it. fujoshi is like just a euphemism to feel better about this guilty pleasure of ours lmao :p

    nonchan September 4, 2020 3:04 pm

    I also had the same thoughts but idk.
    Some say it is fetishistic but some say it is just fiction and does not actually matter.
    I think that it is more about how we view the ones who are actually gay or bi people cause yaois have some shrewd logic. As long as we don't view them in the same light and think that they behave similar to as shown in yaoi, it is all good.

    Truck kun take me~~~ September 4, 2020 3:05 pm

    Nah nah.. I started reading bl earlier this year ..trust me I could'nt take my eyes of bl...
    It's because of our curiosity I guess? And a fluffy rom b/w two boys is kinda cute and unbelievable in this harsh society...
    But yeah...I can still read other mangas and manhwas. so if your still able to read various other mangas then ur perfectly alright....I guess ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Pixico September 4, 2020 3:17 pm

    I'm relatively new to BL but I've read plenty in a short span. For the longest time I couldn't realise the craze around it but now i too got sucked into the vortex. I don't understand what it is that BL does to me as a female. I mean, I DO feel horny when i read the sex scenes...whats up with that? I asked a fellow fujoshi of mine and she said think of it this way... we are just gay men stuck in female bodies. Our hearts are in the right place. I couldn't agree more. Its a joke of course but it oddly resonated.

    Sammy September 4, 2020 3:17 pm

    You know everything is jUsT fine as long as you are able to differentiate between fiction & reality..

    Like take horror for an example, it just if you love it.... But when you actually start believing everything in a horror movie , & such, you'd eventually go crazy from all that hallucinations...

    So it's fine as long as its , simply not dragging you to do weird stuff irl.

    Honestly among the BL readers there's only a few who fetishes , real ppl. Others are simply getting blamed needlessly.

    If right now I tell you, that since 3 years ago I am not able to enjoy any AV , just like any healthy adult would. I'd rather read some smutty manga instead! You'd think I'm lying..

    So this shipping ppl IRL , I can't do it! Cuz you know what I couldn't be least bothered..

    Honestly, if its like just another genre of Manga that you like , you good!!

    Other than that remember, there's a lot of people who just wanna create drama & hate & couldn't be bothered with the real issue!!

    To give you an example, I'm an Asian .

    I used to go to an international school , & there's were quite a few non Asians, they'd hate on me cuz they said I was one of the people who looked down on others cuz , Asians were smart ppl.

    Like they were blaming , their own ideologies of what I think on me!!

    And I was like fudge you bish.. idc if you Asian or not , & calling me stereotypical or racist or whatever isn't ur place cuz, u r the one doing that!!!

    And to be precise I definitely would call them bullies & haters...

    Like seriously some peeps so dumb they don't need no piece of geographic location to make that clever or dumb, cuz they have limited brain cells !!

    Sammy September 4, 2020 3:20 pm

    Also , I forgot to mention, I have a guy bestie.. he told me he would love to see nothing more than two girls make out!!

    Like that is the ultimate fantasy of all guy friends he had... So if we're fetishizing so are they ... !

    You can't they to make me believe otherwise...

    Fujoshi-sama September 4, 2020 3:55 pm

    I personally think it's okay to like yaoi and shounen ai the way you do as long as you respect them. It's not like you're going around shipping real gay guys or just guys and fantasizing about them right? Like all these people said, just know how to differentiate between fiction and reality.

    aoi September 4, 2020 7:27 pm
    I personally think it's okay to like yaoi and shounen ai the way you do as long as you respect them. It's not like you're going around shipping real gay guys or just guys and fantasizing about them right? Like ... Fujoshi-sama

    Yes i don't. I feel kind of relived