Some of yall really be forgetting that this is not set in the present ....this is in the M...

HEART_LESS_101 September 4, 2020 7:03 am

Some of yall really be forgetting that this is not set in the present ....this is in the MF PAST and ( correct me if I'm wrong) in England you could be imprisoned or worse put to death because you're gay. I don't condone Raymond's actions but considering that society already looks done on him cuz of his social class.....homeboy is doing him and Ian a favour if he keeps up this act for caring for 'what's her name'

    minjchoi September 4, 2020 5:54 am

    Not saying you're wrong, but so far in this universe doesn't seem like it's too big of a deal.

    stellarie September 5, 2020 1:57 am

    Ya true, it's just sad bc Ian doesn't know about his plans or whatever so imagine if Ian saw... it wud brek his hert. ╥﹏╥

    HEART_LESS_101 September 5, 2020 10:50 pm
    Not saying you're wrong, but so far in this universe doesn't seem like it's too big of a deal. minjchoi

    You're right but I mean the fact they have to hide their relationship says something ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ but I could be wrong

    HEART_LESS_101 September 5, 2020 10:52 pm
    Ya true, it's just sad bc Ian doesn't know about his plans or whatever so imagine if Ian saw... it wud brek his hert. ╥﹏╥ stellarie

    I kinda want Ian to find out and get upset with Raymond just to see what would happen

    stellarie September 6, 2020 4:25 am
    I kinda want Ian to find out and get upset with Raymond just to see what would happen HEART_LESS_101

    If it did happen, it's something that shouldn't be forgiven so easily. I feel like someone with a good amount of self-respect wouldn't condone their lover having a sham relationship with physical aspects and real feelings on the part of the person being played (the princess in this case), especially without knowledge of it (referring to Ian's lack of knowledge of Raymond's plan). However, are Ian and Raymond lovers?

    What their relationship should be defined as is important to discuss. Ian and Raymond are on the same page in that Ian knows Raymond is supposedly using him only for sex. It's Ian that harbors more feelings for Raymond and recognizes those feelings within himself. We can see that when he constantly holds himself back from loving Raymond and telling himself to remember reality.

    In this case, is Raymond really deserving of the unfavorable opinions he gets in the comments? In my opinion, yes and no... but more on the yes side. Technically, this isn't a communication problem between people; it's rather a communication problem within Raymond himself. He says this relationship is only sexual, but acts caring and loving towards Ian, providing him with emotional as well as physical love (maybe because he actually does love him). And that's where it poses a problem, because it is really unfair for him to act this way to Ian and then expect Ian (whether or not Ian has feelings for him) to be unaffected by his actions. He essentially breaks his own rules in the relationship by overstepping the emotional bounds he sets for Ian to not cross.

    So back to what would happen if Ian found out: should Ian be hurt when neither of the pair recognizes what their relationship actually is? I think yes, because they are basically lovers, only devoid of the recognition that they are. BUT the problem lies in the commonality of people in bl's (usually the bottom) having little to no self respect and constantly forgiving whatever harmful deeds their partners do, just because they "love" them. °(ಗдಗ。)°