Very late response ahhaha but I 100% agree. I'm honestly surprised how many people like this cliche story and see the seme as this great, understanding guy when he's actually just a poorly written, naive teenager. The uke also made no sense, youre right why is he in school? why does his pimp only force him once a week and let him go so easily? His sexual abuse is treated so lightly, like the fact that he's forced into this is way more pressing than his being a prostitute. Really nothing was explored at all when it could've had potential. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Glad to find someone that thinks similarly in the comments at least
This story is almost entirely tropes/stereotypes. The only way it really deviates (in a good way at least) is that the seme doesn't immediately sex-up the uke after rescuing the uke from sexual assault. But otherwise, this doesn't really deviate from the BL-HSers-loaner-uke-is-prostitute script.
More care should've been put into the uke's backstory, his personality given his situation, context to how he met Maze-san specifically (as opposed to anyone else), what specifically Maze-san does, how the uke feels about Maze-san and the situation, what threat Maze-san really, actually poses. I feel like the leads got out of the situation with Maze-san (whatever it was) way too easily with little-to-no repercussions, and Maze-san let him go with barely a fight.
Also, provide some backstory/context to the seme to explain why he would reach out over and over to someone who clearly wants to be left alone. Normally kids in HS stick with their social groups and don't really talk to anyone outside of them. This is weird and reality-breaking. The author should've had some incident spark seme's interest in the uke, not just randomly sitting near each other in class.
Furthermore, just because the seme feels bad for the uke's lack of friends and the situation he's stuck in doesn't mean he's suddenly in love with him. Maybe it's because he saw the uke's sexy face and body (eyeroll if so)? Reality doesn't work like this. The author needs to provide a reason, an incident (or set of incidents), or something like this that bring the two closer after the seme becomes aware of the uke's existence.
Also, at the end, did uke move in with seme? How is the uke otherwise going to continue paying for his apartment now that he's no longer a prostitute? How does he pay for high school? Why was he even going to HS if he was being used by ne'er-do-wells as a prostitute? Who will take care of him? These questions need to be addressed for the story to be grounded in the real world. I mean the seme could do these things I guess, but show it. Show him talking to his mom about it and introducing them, etc.
In the end, this story is too paint-by-numbers to really be compelling. Try Yatamomo by Harada for a more interesting read along these lines.