the bar you guys have set is way too low

rei September 3, 2020 5:43 am

reading the comments asking why mr. han is getting so much hate is really disappointing lol. you guys have set the bar for a good rival too low. reasons why mr. han is a terrible person. 1) he most likely knows that param likes him and only chose to tease him because param was pulling away. 2) to follow up number 1, the only reason he probably doesn't choose to confess himself is because of his huge ass ego that he hides behind his fake ass personality. he doesn't want to give up his pride by chasing someone so he teases param in order to make param be the one to confess. obv this hurt param. 3) you see how he treated his sex partner? that's not how you treat anyone like oh my fuckng god you don't deserve a dick lemme cut that off for you. 4) fakefakefakefake fake fakefake fake. 5) takes advantage of param while he's drunk. a lot of you are immune to the trope when semes make a move on their love interest when they're drunk but that's not how it works in the real world lmao it's a restraining order that you get not a cute boy toy ::))))) lmao thank you for coming to my tedtalk now never defend mr han ever again

    hyani8 September 3, 2020 5:47 am

    Omg yes, thank you for saying that

    AniAttack! September 3, 2020 5:49 am

    Yes! 100% yes! I new from the start there was going to be something off about him and he is such a toxic person. Now i read lots of stuff and that usually doesn't bother me, but given the two choices, we know which one is OBVIOUSLY better and this is one of those times when even I can't stand the enemy in the story

    Anonymous September 3, 2020 7:30 am

    How did he treat his sex partner? He did indeed kiss Param while he was drunk and shouldn't have done that and I understand that but they have not given us the reason why Mr Han didn't ask Param out. Sure, hate him all you don't need to mention your hate for him every chapter.

    Kritique September 3, 2020 8:00 am

    Mr.Han and Hwi are both fucked up in the end, in real life they're both the assholes. I just feel like people aren't realizing they'reBOTH pretty bad.

    If we're going the real life perspective that is; for manga, specifically yaoi; these tropes are very common and are judged under a different light.

    Since obviously we're SUPPOSED to hate Mr Han, he's the third wheel and his perfect overlay in place of his sadistic (?) personality is one of those reasons to hate him. The feelings are mutual between the two, and Mr.Han ALSO teases the protagonist. He treats his sex partners as a replacement of the protagonist, even if theother party knows this they still want a real connection with him. Most likely Mr.Han is gonna lose interest the moment Pa gives in, because Pa is unlike other guys who chase after him. Pa is different

    Red head came with prediuces in mind for the protagonist and just wanted to make fun of said protagonist. He sexually shames and assaults Pa. Then, blackmail! In turn, they become sex partners. Based on one date and other sexual experiences after they kiss for the first time it's like: : for red head. So, obviously whenever Pa comes onto him again kinda drunk he like: "oh well I shouldn't- but hey!! I'll take it!".

    For storyline purposes, I think he'll end up with reddie.

    Anonymous September 3, 2020 8:06 am
    Mr.Han and Hwi are both fucked up in the end, in real life they're both the assholes. I just feel like people aren't realizing they'reBOTH pretty bad.If we're going the real life perspective that is; for manga,... Kritique

    Very true, they are both bumholes. Thinking back on what you just said I think I might actually just stop reading, it's just going to irritate me. If Mr Han was the main love interest nobody would have a problem with him teasing Param and thinking of his sex partners as his replacements (I have read some that have stuff like that so I know).

    Hwa did indeed blackmail and shame him and I know it's a story but it's very strange for you to see that someone has this problem them jerk them off? He probably just did that to feel superior to Param the rich Chunbeol. He probably will end up with Hwa, it's pretty obvious right from the get go