This is somehow true. But remember, Yiyoung likes him, he CLEARLY TOLD him his feelings, and he clearly felt rejected by the director. That's why he acted this way, I think. They're both at fault. The director too, he's always NOT being honest with Yiyoung and himself, I know that it's because this is a first for him but still, you gotta tell how u feel.

Ohh ok thanks :D but I’ve also been wondering if I interpreted this wrong, so when director kang asked after yiyoungs confession if they’re on a date or not, was it explained afterwards that he was actually genuinely asking and yiyoung had misunderstood it as a rejection?? Or have I just made that up in my mind? I’ve just realised looking back that this sounds like I’m being condescending but I’m actually not lol I really want to know cause I can’t be bothered to find the specific episode

Nah, don't worry, you don't sound condescending at all. Haha gosh I'm not so sure but I think it was explained, thru director Kang's pov at the start of s2 i think? It feels that a lot of time has passed so it seems blurry in my mind. Haha but yeah I think it was shown that he genuinely just asked if they were on a date, but Yiyoung doesn't know that.

That's ok, sometimes I'm like that too. I mean there's a lot of stuff I'm reading, I wouldn't be able to remember all of them. Haha anyways, I still hope that on the next chapter, they'd be clearing all the misunderstanding, director kang shouldn't let yiyoung get out of the restaurant without talking to him... Haha we want all the fluff now :((
Ohmahgod it's not even kang's fault. Stupid yiyoung up and left taking everything said in a negative way. Like, people can't talk about more than one thing. Soooo dramatic. He even left before dinner like he swore at him. Why not take his words in a positive way like they were meant to, thinking he was looking out for his future? I know the author won't recognize yiyoungs fault in this coz "slow burn" or whatever but it's a spiral down of the good plot this manga had.