. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I think I saw on authors twitter, there was another incarnation of sungyeon and hosik (I think like the 1930s? Not sure because sungyeon was in a car and hosik was still wearing old timely clothes) so sungyeon was in a car and saw hosik walking and he immediately got out of the car to look for hosik but in the end he didn’t see hosik. Nor was hosik aware of that time sungyeon looking for him. Though I’m glad they found each other finally. (Note: I saw this a long time ago and it may not be 100% accurate, but what I do know for sure is accurate is that sungyeon was looking for hosk in the crowd of people that hosik was among)
I think I saw on authors twitter, there was another incarnation of sungyeon and hosik (I think like the 1930s? Not sure because sungyeon was in a car and hosik was still wearing old timely clothes) so sungyeon was in a car and saw hosik walking and he immediately got out of the car to look for hosik but in the end he didn’t see hosik. Nor was hosik aware of that time sungyeon looking for him. Though I’m glad they found each other finally. (Note: I saw this a long time ago and it may not be 100% accurate, but what I do know for sure is accurate is that sungyeon was looking for hosk in the crowd of people that hosik was among)