Can I ask if the emperor love the empress? I want some spoilers HAHAHAHAHA

Berrie September 2, 2020 8:01 am

Can I ask if the emperor love the empress? I want some spoilers HAHAHAHAHA

    Amarante September 2, 2020 9:10 am

    Actually, as I heard, he really does love her, but due to her coldness, he thought that she doesn't love him
    There was a painting with Navier and Sovieshu, and Navier was looking at another direction, amd Sovieshu asked the painter to change it so that she would look at him. There also would be a scene where he cries looking at the painting
    I am not 100 percent sure, but this what I heard would happen later

    Berrie September 2, 2020 11:18 am

    Ok thankss

    NoLuck September 4, 2020 11:06 pm

    He does and he screwed it up. Thinking that his attempt of making her jealous / humiliating her, won't make her retaliate.

    He never expected the empress to remarry in fact it is rare. What he had with Rashta was just a brief lust and to increase his self esteem. He basically like her bc she was dependent and looked at him like a god and kept telling him he's the victim while the empress is the one at fault.

    Trashta was just shot infatuation while what the emperor have/had with the empress was years of genuine love and trust...
    Gap attempts of getting attention had an opposite result. The empress losing all trust and love for him.



    Anyway, Rashta was a surrogate mother for emperor who feared that the empress is infertile. He planned to ditch her after one year of their marriage (when the child can remain a heir even after the divorced). Then marry again Navier.

    No one of Sovieshu's advisers wanted Trashta because well.... She's illiterate and has a brain of a chick holding a knife(she's a pathological liar and psychopath - understable since she's a slave but it doesn't justify her indescriminate cruelty) I remember a quote in the novel off one of his adviser saying " beauty is nothing in politics" something like that.

    shyshyshy September 5, 2020 8:21 pm


    He basically took her for granted, When Navier told the reporter how Heinly helped her during hard times implying that she knew Sovieshit planning to divorce her, Sovieshit sent letter to her and saying he didn't plan to abandon her, he only going to make Thrasta an Empress for a year and reinstate Navier as an Empress after the baby was born, so he ask her to come back to him, but Navier didn't reply his letter because it makes no different for her. But Sovieshit was really shameless, when Navier attended his wedding with Thrasta as foreign guest, he ask her for a dance and persuaded her to go back to him, but Navier firmly refuse, and the next day he visit Navier in her room and ask her to go back to him again, but Navier only say 'I hate ', she didn't finish her words and it made Sovieshit dumbfounded. And later during Navier and Heinly wedding, Heinly thanked him for divorcing Navier and he says 'Don't be smug, Navier would surely come back to me'. After witnessing how Navier laughing happily in Heinly arms during their wedding, only then it dawn to him that he lose her and feel the pains, he contemplated for a second 'is this what Navier feels when I brought Thrasta in" but then he brushed it off saying 'no, Navier didn't love me, there is no way she is hurts'. And before he left he told Navier 'I love you', and Navier just cried remembering all the pains she suffered because of him. And later when there is a rumor about Heinly having an affair with his late brother widows, Sovieshit get enraged and when he met Navier accidentally in the Academy he ask her again, 'don't think about your pride, just come back to me'.

    I never hate some fictional character so much like I hate Sovieshit, at least no matter how scumbag other ML is, at least they regretted their action but Sovieshit never did. Honestly Navier also frustrated me, I'm expecting some insult or sarcastic remarks, but she always speak politely to Sovieshit thus entertaining his delusional mind.

    NoLuck September 5, 2020 9:10 pm
    SPOILERHe basically took her for granted, When Navier told the reporter how Heinly helped her during hard times implying that she knew Sovieshit planning to divorce her, Sovieshit sent letter to her and saying ... shyshyshy

    Ofc opinion are opinions.

    In my case, i liked how Navier didn't take an aggressive stand towards Trashta and Sovieshu. If she went insulting and pointing fingers she would just look immature. Plus there's no point on insulting Stupidshu and Trashta since they're so deep they're gonna go down even without her saying anything.

    Navier ofc has the right to be angry but if she rebuked and mocked them for the circus they created she would look childish and bitter. They do say being able to control your emotions is a sign of growing after all.
    Being happy of someone for the tragedy that befalling them is equal to giving an ugly image of yourself as well and your personality and I think the author didn't want Navier to be "that kind" of protagonist. In the novel it's kinda show i think how Navier have never been the vendictive type or the one that holds grudges or uses insult. She's polite and mind her language. Even in the game the right options are often one that contains some truths or facts rather than words dictated by emotion. Example option 1: " I can't look after Rashta I'm not gonna step that low and serve my husband slave! ", option 2: " I apologize but, as the organizers of this event I have been occupied with making sure everything was right and I'm afraid I can't look after her and I believe this task is not part of my responsibility ". Aka you brought it in you look after it. (to sovieshu) Something like that.

    I think the only remarks and sarcasm she throw at Trashta was when Trashta gave her that gift she receive from Navier and Navier replied "Thank you for giving it back, I didn't want to give you any of my possession begin with" and when she replied " You must be in love with all my husbands or are in love with me?" to show how Trashta shamelessly chase the men of her life and I think it also implied how it is obvious she is copying and obsessively jealous of Navier (way of conduct... trying to be someone she couldn't be due to her status=slave. ).and that's what I call:

    Words cutting deeper than cheap insult. Classy ~ (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づwhen you get the meaning behind of said insult that is ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    In the last free chapter on Naver she was asked to mention how Trashta even wore that same dress and the humiliation she received (I think) but Naver refused since in court but in general in any formal event small details like that are skippable.

    NoLuck September 5, 2020 9:14 pm
    SPOILERHe basically took her for granted, When Navier told the reporter how Heinly helped her during hard times implying that she knew Sovieshit planning to divorce her, Sovieshit sent letter to her and saying ... shyshyshy

    And yes Stupidshu is certainly at fault. He brought Trashta and didn't supervise her conduct when she become empress. He takes everything for granted and i think he would even defend Trashta even when he sees her stabbing someone in front of his eyez.
    In the game its even worst.... He threatens everyone. Like when Navier's maid just said what she saw and what everyone saw the day he brought Trashta in.... He basically imprisoned the woman and made her starve for days because he wants to keep the lie standing. Ugghh I hated him and his character.

    So smug and arrogant.

    Audmod September 6, 2020 4:48 am
    SPOILERHe basically took her for granted, When Navier told the reporter how Heinly helped her during hard times implying that she knew Sovieshit planning to divorce her, Sovieshit sent letter to her and saying ... shyshyshy

    Do you know all this from reading the novel? Also what chapter do you think we’ll get to see the empress divorce the idiot emperor ?

    NoLuck September 6, 2020 12:04 pm
    Do you know all this from reading the novel? Also what chapter do you think we’ll get to see the empress divorce the idiot emperor ? Audmod

    Chapter 83

    I advise continuing reading the story even after the divorce ^^ the karma train will happen in the next chapters

    shyshyshy September 6, 2020 8:29 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! cutieegirl

    Since Naver ask the translator to stop publishing their work, the English version only till chapter 174, you can search them in novelupdates, wuxiaworld, wordexcerpt, it was only till Navier escaped with Heinry after the divorce.

    shyshyshy September 6, 2020 8:40 pm
    Ofc opinion are opinions. In my case, i liked how Navier didn't take an aggressive stand towards Trashta and Sovieshu. If she went insulting and pointing fingers she would just look immature. Plus there's no po... NoLuck

    But of course Sovieshit and Thrashta didn't get the meaning behind the said classy insult.

    BobbMoon September 8, 2020 12:25 am
    And yes Stupidshu is certainly at fault. He brought Trashta and didn't supervise her conduct when she become empress. He takes everything for granted and i think he would even defend Trashta even when he sees h... NoLuck

    What was the lie? What really happened the day he brought her back?