Yeah it's was like "The Duke love was supposed to be mine !", "You're popularity is supposed to be mine !", "All the things you have rn are supposed to be mine !" & then she rushed toward Chloe as if she wanted to choke her before Chloe woke up sweating..
Idk what happened after but it's really strange that she has this kind of nightmare after idk time with nothing..
+ this original bitch was a dumb & weak girl, all the thing Chloe got was with her own effort, something the Original Chloe could never.. So idk if it was just a nightmare or really that something might happen..
+ this dumb prince bitch that still try to chase after Chloe & call her by her name even when she said to call her Duchess bc they're not close..
Idk if it already passed (I have bad memories lol) with the part about sweet potatoes & this dumb Prince that they to give allusion to Chloe or the Duke who is still insecure bc the dumb original Chloe chased desperately the dumb prince
Oh my god... I don't think we have passed that part yet. So this is confirm will happen in the future(?)
Indeed, Chloe got all those popularity, love and so on thanks to her own effort. That dumb ori bitch don't deserve a bit.
And what?! That damn shitty prince he- I thought he had stop chasing after Chloe
Me still remembering a part where she had a nightmare (I dont even remember if it's my imagination or really in the raw) with the Original Chloe screaming at her saying that all she had was supposed to be her & that she doesn't belong here & me just hoping that it was because she felt insecure or something & not because the original Chloe want to take over her body ○___○