*slowly exhales while counting to ten because otherwise I'm gonna lose my shit* Look. W...

Hopeless_shipper September 1, 2020 3:39 pm

*slowly exhales while counting to ten because otherwise I'm gonna lose my shit*


We all know she's the crown prince.
Because that's how these stories go.

We also know they will slowly fall in love with one another, because again, that's how these stories go.

As to why he's infiltrated as a younger female?
Well,my guess is to pick the bad apples of the bunch out and kind of...see the inner workings of the garden. Because again, and repeat with me, thats. How. These. Stories. Go.

I read the spoilers, and, one one hand, I understand him doing that, because in his situation, it's a literal matter of life or death for him.

But on the other? He never needed to treat apple like that, or cause her family to act like that, either.
Do you guys have any idea how much it hurts to have your family betray you and make you feel bad about yourself for not being "enough"?

Do you?
Because that's exactly what's going on here.

In fact, other spoilers have shown that rose continues to act Incredibly rude towards her, and it just makes my blood boil.

I understand some of his actions were necessary, but other actions that have caused apple so much pain could've easily been avoided, but some people are saying he's kind?
And a good person?
And the most important thing is: most people commenting don't even know why he's doing it.

Most believe it's just cause he wants to know his future wife, which, yeah, maybe a little, but it's mostly got nothing to do with that.

But they excuse his behavior cause, oh! Turns out the bitch was a handsome boy! I guess it's ok, then!

Like,I've seen a LOT of people excuse really questionable behavior just cause they were pretty or hot. Myself included, in my younger days(like, when I was 9)

But no, trash is trash, no matter what appearance or gender.

....and that just pissed me off even more.

    Bum Bear September 1, 2020 4:51 pm

    100% accurate. Like, I don't get why people think that just because you can understand the motive behind something that it somehow excuses/justify all the shitty things a person has done. Like no dawg, just cause I get why Rose is doing what he is doing he still being a bitch to Apple, and what? Im supposed to like him, because he "eventually" becomes nicer? The fuck kind of logic is that? If someone is being an ass to me I'm not gonna sit there and be treated like crap, waiting for the moment where they're going to suddenly be nice to me. I'mma hate them, respect myself, and fucking leave. Simple.

    "Oh he's treating her like shit, but don't be too mad because later he's nice to her." Is a bullshit ass statement. He had no reason to be an ass to her or manipulate he family in to treating her badly in the first place, but it's okay because he gonna be nice god knows how far into the story. It's annoying as all hell! I don't need to read 30+ chapter to see he's toxic, nor should I have to to see him be nice to someone who has done nothing to him. I agree with you, go off fam!!!

    Hopeless_shipper September 1, 2020 7:46 pm
    100% accurate. Like, I don't get why people think that just because you can understand the motive behind something that it somehow excuses/justify all the shitty things a person has done. Like no dawg, just cau... Bum Bear

    Thank you!

    Usually when I post a comment that isn't in favor of the male lead I just get a garage of comments telling me to "wait"(for got knows how long) cause he will treat her better "in the future"

    At that point, the male leads have already been mean to her, disrespected her or her family, hurt her, and in some cases cheated and raped, but people still come at me for saying they should absolutely never get back together.

    ...and I'm ranting again so I'mma stop.

    Anyways, I'm just glad u agree.

    Misa_03 September 1, 2020 8:53 pm

    Totally agree with you!!! I would have just spillet hot tea on hed/ his face for bewitching family and taking place of the daughter. Really, i would not spare him or her

    Bum Bear September 1, 2020 9:02 pm
    Thank you!Usually when I post a comment that isn't in favor of the male lead I just get a garage of comments telling me to "wait"(for got knows how long) cause he will treat her better "in the future"At that po... Hopeless_shipper

    No probs, and I feel you on the one. Can't criticize anything nowadays without people telling you to "not read it then" or half-ass argue their point ( though a few do make since great points to be fair). It sucks, but it's good to have opinions (most anyway).

    Rababruby September 1, 2020 11:16 pm

    Facts. Period.

    crazylilthangcalledlai September 2, 2020 12:18 am

    dang, if he's rude to her for thw only reason of getting to know more of his future/potential bride, i feel icky about that. that's a red flag for me

    Pego September 2, 2020 12:24 am

    Complete agree with this, I felt so uncomfortable seeing her family get turned against her like that. I'm sticking around more for the fl then anything else but thank you so much for pointing it out

    Namika September 11, 2020 4:38 pm
    100% accurate. Like, I don't get why people think that just because you can understand the motive behind something that it somehow excuses/justify all the shitty things a person has done. Like no dawg, just cau... Bum Bear

    I wish I could upvote a comment. I so agree with you.