
Meru21 September 1, 2020 10:00 am

thats all they could fish up? As someone who was bullied a LOT, I can contest that i don't hold it against my bullies. Not any longer. Its super unhealthy and people do change, especially after high school. In fact, you change the most directly AFTER school. I know it's heavily condoned in all parts of the world, but that's like a parent grounding a child who is now an adult because they realized that ten years ago it really wasn't the dog that stole their cigarettes. Or something like that. The news loves drama....i hate the news. Bjnch of gossip-whores.

    Meru21 September 1, 2020 10:12 am
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    Ah but they do. Which is why i stopped watching the news a long, long time ago. Its all negative and a lot of it is exaggeration or just outright opinion and lies. Thats not news to me. That's gossip.

    bhosutinax September 1, 2020 10:26 am

    it's a pretty serious issue in the korean entertainment industry. they go overboard with anything that could pull an artist down.

    Meru21 September 1, 2020 11:33 am
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    It happens a lot in Korea and Japan, actually. It just happened this past year with a rising kpop idol, whose name is slipping my mind. The petty stories like being gay, being a bully or stupid indiscretions as youths come out all the time. Mostly because they try to keep idols with these pristine images. There was this one that happened with Disney where one of the higher-ups said something over a decade ago on a social media site against disney that they dug up. Dont recall what it was but I remember thinking it was dumb as hell to report something that happened ten years ago thinking it was still relevant. If a person can go through drastic change in one year, imagine what can happen in ten? It does still happen, though.