Here's thing. When I was younger. Maybe like 6-8 years ago. I was okay and excited reading abusive, rape, necrophilia and gore shit. Now I know I wouldn't be able to go through Feeding lamb with same excitment as before. I also don't feel excited about rape mangas anymore. My understanding of rape even is stupid fiction got moved and it did not desentize me reading it few years back. But I know not everybody has it like this but I really hope when people go looking back at this when they are older, they won'tfeel like "oh yes pls, non con".
yes that may be for your case, and I’m glad it didn’t affect you, but it will mostly likely affect people maybe not exactly like I’m go rape or staying w someone that has raped them, but things like this- the ending, promotes the idea that it’s okay to be in such toxic relationship, u just need to get it thru, or that minor sexual harrasement and assault is ok.
I hope this doesn’t sound rude? But noncon/rape fantasies are exceedingly common, studies estimate that somewhere from 20-50% of all people experience sexual fantasies where they are being raped.
It’s difficult ground to tread, as it can lead to the romanticization of rape and abuse, but there’s, conceptually, nothing wrong with people enjoying fictional noncon scenarios or consensual non consent role play.
The idea that people will just grow out of it is.. admittedly something kinda harmful imo. Ppl don’t choose what turns them on, and one popular theory is shame and sexual repression, esp in women and men who don’t conform to toxic masculine standards, is what leads to these fantasies - repressing them even further (ie forcing oneself to grow out of it) could likely make them more even more prominent.
I understand why ppl dislike Dohyun for being a shitty person and very toxic but like... y’all ... Sungho kidnapped and repeatedly raped and abused Dohyun while holding him captive. Like. I’m not defending Dohyun for being a selfish person, but I seriously don’t get people acting like he’s the worse person here and Sungho is just an uwu baby. They’re both bad people but at least Dohyun isn’t a violent and obsessive kidnapper rapist... they’re not equally bad.
That being said, no shit on the story for it. It’s good and somehow tied together what is an insanely unhealthy romance together in a somewhat satisfying way?
I want to write an extensive think piece on this bcus I’m gonna be honest, I think it’s complex and flawed and I feel like a lot of the commenters here aren’t approaching this with the nuance a story like this deserves (which admittedly sounds really elitist, but reading the comments I don’t know how else to put it).