tnk u, tbh i hate yuki despite i said it once in cmnts here n i got so much hate .. but i hate how traumatized mafuya n ruined his life n the band's life as well .. yet it was mafuya who was hated so bad like what ????
he said those words in anger .. we dont even know what happened exactly that pushed him to say such a thing .. oooof i just wanna get my explanation tbh ugh

I also think that their relationship was a little biased. More than just love, sometimes It looks like their bond was what kept them together.
But if it weren't for Yuki's suicide, I don't think they could break up, because Yuki would never let him go and Mafuyu would probably feel too guilty to do so. It's hard to say, since we don't know what the real Yuki was like.

Yeah it's really hard mb you're right with yuki never letting go of mafyu. I just hate that the author doesn't give us real yuki just other people memories about him. I hope the author will do smth more to us so we'll see their problems why their relationship weren't ideal at all and etc
Cause now I see all these tweets and video about mafyu and yuki how they were soulmates and I don't get people like if they were so good together why this childish fight caused such a terrible accident?
I saw in one tiktok that mafyu and yuki would eventually grow apart cause yuki depended too much on mafyu and their relationship was pretty toxic and I think mb yuki felt that mafyu wanted to do things on his own without yuki's influence and that's why yuki reacted this badly to their childish fight and committed suicide?
I'm not sure but that explains his extreme reaction cause he wanted mafyu to always depend on him so he left this world with mafyu forced to remember him in such a painful way...
No hate towards yuki I'm just trying to understand this whole situation since the author gives us no explanation just "love yuki he was great" motto