Let ppl love what they love

Lemon socks August 31, 2020 7:47 am

I don't think it's creepy to write fanfic cuz like if it's your hobby its your hobby there's nothing wrong about it but like If you do go giving like a fanfic to the group/fandom themselves is a little weird but like yaknow it's not that big of a deal

    Rizuteru August 31, 2020 8:28 am

    Not that big of a deal?

    Okay let's put it this way, what if some old man on his late 50 is sending you a full paragraph of how you are having sex with your dad. How would you feel about it ? If you are not creeped out then you are the biggest hypocrites :)

    potato August 31, 2020 9:31 am
    Not that big of a deal?Okay let's put it this way, what if some old man on his late 50 is sending you a full paragraph of how you are having sex with your dad. How would you feel about it ? If you are not creep... Rizuteru

    While I do agree that if a person is uncomfortable by fanfics they shouldn’t do it but ur analogy is a bit of an exaggeration. Comparing a dad and daughter fanfic which is invest to a boy love boy fanfic is different. One is deemed morally wrong, but that’s different to everyone’s perception of what’s right and wrong. Fanfics are some people’s hobbies and if they don’t overstep boundaries I think it’s fine. But I don’t think you should compare it to incest because there different topics. A better comparison would be a fanfic with you and your friend.

    potato August 31, 2020 9:31 am
    While I do agree that if a person is uncomfortable by fanfics they shouldn’t do it but ur analogy is a bit of an exaggeration. Comparing a dad and daughter fanfic which is invest to a boy love boy fanfic is d... potato

    I do think it’s wrong and creepy that a fan sent that to the idol tho

    kawaiiotokonoko August 31, 2020 10:14 am
    Not that big of a deal?Okay let's put it this way, what if some old man on his late 50 is sending you a full paragraph of how you are having sex with your dad. How would you feel about it ? If you are not creep... Rizuteru

    why would u compare it with incest tho.. doesnt makes sense

    Rizuteru August 31, 2020 10:32 am
    why would u compare it with incest tho.. doesnt makes sense kawaiiotokonoko

    My point is if that old man are trying to justify his action by saying "but you look so close with your dad so I can't help but to fantasize you and your dad and I would love to let you see my writings so that you know that I support your relationship"

    Won't you be creeped out?

    Rizuteru August 31, 2020 10:44 am

    And don't you say that it's different or not relevant.

    When you are fantasizing or shipping idols. You all basically just assuming those idol sexuality to be gay. WHEN in facts you DON'T know what is those idols sexuality. But because being gay is fine and all you throw the common sense that it's WRONG to assume people sexuality just because you believe it's fine.

    You are basically being rude. What if they are not gay and actually straight?

    It's fine if you want to fantasize/ship/writes/draw/anything it's completely okay BUT just keep it to yourself don't drag the said idol or people that you fantasize because it's a creepy act and can be counted as sexual harrassment

    greensilverscarf August 31, 2020 11:06 am
    And don't you say that it's different or not relevant.When you are fantasizing or shipping idols. You all basically just assuming those idol sexuality to be gay. WHEN in facts you DON'T know what is those idols... Rizuteru

    Lmao and thinking they're straight is not assuming their sexuality? Lollll the double standards!

    Look, most shippers keep their stuff on the low, they don't hand fics out to idols like this story. I agree what the fan in this story is wayyyy out of line but this is fiction, irl most wouldn't dare.

    And to use example like incest to shipping??? Well aren't you the creepy one? People like you who make shipping automatically a sexual, immoral thing is actually the problem! Sometimes ppl ship because they think they look cute & has nice chemistry!

    I agree with your point that actually handing out a fic to an idol is creepy, but you should've stopped with that.

    Rizuteru August 31, 2020 1:20 pm
    Lmao and thinking they're straight is not assuming their sexuality? Lollll the double standards!Look, most shippers keep their stuff on the low, they don't hand fics out to idols like this story. I agree what t... greensilverscarf

    You are the one missing the point geez. I never assume people to be gay or straight lol. I clearly said it's WRONG to assume people sexuality. With all CAPS. can't you read it even with all those caps????

    And CRAVE this on your mind.


    I used incest to CONCEPTUALIZE it in an EASIER WAY to the OP who clearly think that sending whatever FICS to the said IDOL is not a BIG DEAL. Like really? What if the content of the FICS is something disturbing like INCEST. and then the fans just brush it off because apparently ITS NOT A BIG DEAL.


    Rizuteru August 31, 2020 1:34 pm
    Lmao and thinking they're straight is not assuming their sexuality? Lollll the double standards!Look, most shippers keep their stuff on the low, they don't hand fics out to idols like this story. I agree what t... greensilverscarf

    If I were the idol I would be frustrated af, because someone send something disturbing like that but my own fans brush it off and saying ITS NOT A BIG DEAL. and then the culprit are playing victim saying "but i ship you and your dad because you two look cute and close with each other and have a really nice chemistry!"

    weightycarlos August 31, 2020 2:26 pm
    Not that big of a deal?Okay let's put it this way, what if some old man on his late 50 is sending you a full paragraph of how you are having sex with your dad. How would you feel about it ? If you are not creep... Rizuteru

    Writing fanfics are not big of a deal. Sending them to the idols might be. But to be honest, it actually depends on the idols. One of the biggest ships, like totally big, in the Kpop industry back then, is YunJae (Yunho and Jaejoong from TVXQ), they both acknowledge those fictions that the fans are writing about them. Obviously, it’s fine as long as those fans are not crossing the line. Meaning, separating reality from fiction.

    greensilverscarf August 31, 2020 5:08 pm
    You are the one missing the point geez. I never assume people to be gay or straight lol. I clearly said it's WRONG to assume people sexuality. With all CAPS. can't you read it even with all those caps???? And C... Rizuteru

    I think you should be the one who should read what I wrote first, before typing in "all caps" which is honestly a pain in the eyes.

    I never said you're assuming sexuality, didn't I? Did you read properly? Where did I say it's specifically you? Lmaooo my point is assuming they're straight can be as bad as assuming they're gay. It's double standards & would be an invalidation of feelings. And to use your own words, "can you even read?" Lol

    And I didn't justify sending fics to idols, did I? I said it's out of line. Did you read that? Honestly were you just replying without reading???

    What I'm pointing out is that you using incest as an example of what ship content could be is far too much, because not all shippers think of dirty stuff you are thinking. Incest & LGBTQ+ love are different stuff. Incest is deemed morally wrong almost anywhere. You should have used a different example, is the point.

    And like I said, MOST shippers keep stuff like fanfics & fanarts away from idols. In some accounts where they do their craft, they block the artists & ask their followers not to tag them. I never said what they're doing is right, you can perceive that however you want, but it is a fact the many shippers agree to keep their stuff away from said idols. And if you still don't understand, I am saying yes it is bad to let their idols know of the shipping stuff because we won't know how they will feel. I agree, OP thinking it's not a big deal is too much, where did I even disagree?? I never justified it, so I don't know why you're typing in all caps

    Now read again before replying in your big letters. And, do you mean carve??????

    Lemon socks August 31, 2020 8:20 pm
    Not that big of a deal?Okay let's put it this way, what if some old man on his late 50 is sending you a full paragraph of how you are having sex with your dad. How would you feel about it ? If you are not creep... Rizuteru

    I totally get that that's your opinion and your perspective of it ,BUT I do believe it totally wrong to compare incest to LGBTQ+ (if the 2 band members were related then ya it's wrong) but like it says"it's a way of fans showing affection,cuz lots of fanfic are wholesome. And if the bad/fandom doesn't like it then can say "plz don't send fanfic in anyway" and most to all fans respect that then dont send any

    potato September 1, 2020 12:53 am
    You are the one missing the point geez. I never assume people to be gay or straight lol. I clearly said it's WRONG to assume people sexuality. With all CAPS. can't you read it even with all those caps???? And C... Rizuteru

    U generalize your arguement wayyy too much. Who are you to compare incest with the lgbtq community and say that it’s very offensive to do. You say that is an op comparison when it’s not. You know why? It’s because by making an argument like that you not only damage the image of the lgbtq community by comparing it to something morally WRONG. To be referred to as similar so people can “conceptualize” is ridiculous; there is better comparisons. Your being hypocritical by saying that idols would be uncomfortable by this; while we won’t know until they personally tell us, who are you to speak for them. Fanfic can be at times too much but if it’s a hobby they keep to themselves and share to others with common interest that makes them happy who are you to say no to that. Another thing I recommend to write with less caps and use words like may, most, some so that you don’t generalize the whole group. It’s also weird that ur reading a manhwa abt an idol writing fanfics, like if ur so passionate then don’t read this, it’s not for you.

    Mcreetus September 1, 2020 1:22 am

    I was 13 when I read a sexual fanfiction about myself, I was horrified and disgusted, it’s gross.

    Rizuteru September 1, 2020 4:41 am
    U generalize your arguement wayyy too much. Who are you to compare incest with the lgbtq community and say that it’s very offensive to do. You say that is an op comparison when it’s not. You know why? It’... potato

    Lol, so you are saying that sending fics to the said idol isn't morally wrong ?? Good to know there is a creep lurking around like you.

    My point is. Whether the content is LGBTQ or INCEST or HETEROSEXUAL or PG-15 ITS WRONG TO SEND FICS TO YOUR IDOL.


    Im being hypocritical for saying idol will be uncomfortable by it?? LOL ITS BASIC COMMON SENSE THAT SHIPPING SHOULD STAY BETWEEN THE FANDOM FANTASY AND NOT INVOLVE THE REAL PERSON. You are losing common sense lol creep.

    NiftyLittleMe September 1, 2020 6:45 am
    And don't you say that it's different or not relevant.When you are fantasizing or shipping idols. You all basically just assuming those idol sexuality to be gay. WHEN in facts you DON'T know what is those idols... Rizuteru

    Well, I write fanfiction and that is one of my biggest hobbies, I wouldn't give it to the idols. Bit I also don't assume that the idol is gay. I don't assume anything. I roleplay using certain Idols. We are having fun, we aren't doing anything with it but fun. But comparing things like that to pedophilia is wrong. The whole fight it pointless, maybe if people wouldn't try to one up another person this world wouldn't be so fucked up. I agree with that girl being creepy, and I understand why he acted that way. But, you shouldn't just keep it to yourself, you can share it. Just not with the said Idol/Idols. Its as simple as that, I suggest you don't go around telling people what they can and can't do. And that I am not telling you to do, otherwise I would be a hypocrite myself. I am just suggesting, they are two different things. Maybe even get a little sense of common knowledge while your at it. (Just a suggestion:))

    NiftyLittleMe September 1, 2020 6:56 am
    And don't you say that it's different or not relevant.When you are fantasizing or shipping idols. You all basically just assuming those idol sexuality to be gay. WHEN in facts you DON'T know what is those idols... Rizuteru

    Well, I write fanfiction and that is one of my biggest hobbies, I wouldn't give it to the idols. But I also don't assume that the idol is gay. I don't assume anything. I roleplay using certain Idols. We are having fun, we aren't doing anything with it but fun. But comparing things like that to pedophilia is wrong. The whole fight it pointless, maybe if people wouldn't try to one up another person this world wouldn't be so fucked up. I agree with that girl being creepy, and I understand why he acted that way. But, you shouldn't just keep it to yourself, you can share it. Just not with the said Idol/Idols. Its as simple as that, I suggest you don't go around telling people what they can and can't do. And that I am not telling you to do, otherwise I would be a hypocrite myself. I am just suggesting, they are two different things. Maybe even get a little sense of common knowledge while your at it. (Just a suggestion:))

    potato September 1, 2020 7:40 am
    Lol, so you are saying that sending fics to the said idol isn't morally wrong ?? Good to know there is a creep lurking around like you.My point is. Whether the content is LGBTQ or INCEST or HETEROSEXUAL or PG-1... Rizuteru

    U may need to read properly because I never once said it was ok to send fanfics to idols. I SAID if they keep it to themselves or with people alike it’s fine. Stop twisting words i never said; ur claims are deceitful when all u do is argue at a wall. Ur argument is at fault when ur lying like saying it’s wrong to send it to idols, I AGREE YES ITS WRONG THE FUCK. I’ve been saying that’s wrong but that isn’t what I was arguing about. Your missing my point so read closer. Look at the second time I replied to u I said “ I do think it’s wrong and creepy that a fan sent that to the idol tho”. U may need to study the English language judging by the way you write your arguments. All you seem like to other people is come off aggressive and when you do that people are less inclined to listen. So like I said before, you shouldn’t generalize and assume about people. U assumed I read fanfics when I don’t, I’ve never once mentioned I did so why did u make a claim ASSUMING I did and again using caps all the time isn’t recommended as well since it comes off aggressive.

    potato September 1, 2020 7:58 am
    Lol, so you are saying that sending fics to the said idol isn't morally wrong ?? Good to know there is a creep lurking around like you.My point is. Whether the content is LGBTQ or INCEST or HETEROSEXUAL or PG-1... Rizuteru

    Another thing you’re assuming a whole entire group that all they do is sexualize idols. While this may be true for some you can’t assume that to a whole group. Not EVERYONE is like that; just because one person does something that is wrong should the whole group be responsible for it? No they shouldn’t because not everyone is like that maybe they should raise awareness but not be publicly scrutinized and say there all bad(or like you say creeps). While I can’t speak for them as I don’t read fanfics but I at least know from learning like other misunderstood groups (furrys and others) not everyone is bad or creepy. I mean it helps them cope with all the negative things in life. It makes them HAPPY. Again I’m not saying all the fanfic community is good and full of rainbows because it’s not. You have a few who mixes it up with reality and such but that isn’t the entirety of the whole group. You have this mindset that all of them are creeps at least that’s how you come off. Do u realize the way you speak may hurt people. Again I’m not saying sending fanfics to idols are right it’s totally wrong but why can’t you understand that if that hobby makes them happy and it’s doesn’t harm anyone, it’s fine. This seems to me a lot like stereotyping where your generalizing a whole population obviously not as severe but a lesson to be learned. Try to be open minded because not every fanfic writer or reader are “creeps”. If it makes you uncomfortable that’s totally fine and it’s your opinion but don’t push ur opinion to other people and act like it’s a written rule or a fact. Just stay away from it but here you are reading a manhwa abt an idol writing fanfics abt each other? Seems abt logical.

    potato September 1, 2020 8:01 am
    And don't you say that it's different or not relevant.When you are fantasizing or shipping idols. You all basically just assuming those idol sexuality to be gay. WHEN in facts you DON'T know what is those idols... Rizuteru

    Another thing fan FICTION is fiction. It’s not a genre where it’s always sexual. Is every fiction book you ever read sexual? No it’s not so don’t generalize that every fan fic is sexual because what it’s defined as is “ fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, etc.”.