Well, like comics is not really the bad thing, its the side effects of reading them that gives them negativity... For example, a person enjoys reading NARUTO, the this person enjoys itvso much she imagines Naruto and Sasuke being romantically involved (even though its not), is the person being judge for reading them, no, its side effects, her "behavior" for having that weird thought, and this is not Japan exclusive, even nerdist from US are also being judge for it, even Hugh Laurie (actor) even referred to it as "pitch of near lunacy"... Well, its really just a matter of how strong headed you are to defend your hobby, really... I always tell them on my end when someone find my hobby weird, i used my own money to make the purchase, I don't let it interfere with my work, if you don't have anything good to say, stay out of my f-ing business...
well, based off of your example of naruto and sasuke being romantically involved...no one thinks that except for yaoi fangirls. lol
and i don't care if that actor thinks it's a "pitch near lunacy"...i don't even know him, and yet i know these characters who don't actually exist, so...who's the real winner now?
its a thing in japan, sadly, ppl there look down on other people who enjoys anime and manga (but it's not limited these) aka the "otakus", the term otaku is an insult in japan. u can kinda compare it to how western ppl have this stereotype abt "nerds".
its sad cos my cousin used to enjoy the anime precure when she was a child but arnd the time when she turned 5th or 6th grade, i kinda mention to her she used to like anime, when said "ew no stop it's embarrassing to admit i used to like that"
I honestly agree with what you said. I'm open with ALL of my friends that I love yaoi and if anyone says that it's weird to like it, I'd always say that it doesn't harm anyone since I pay for what I read and/or watch; and that even tho I'll always defend my ships to my dying breath, I know the limits of shipping and so will always respect the dissenting opinions so long as they're respectful to my own. Oh, but when the disrespect comes, the kid gloves come off. Speaking of, I hope the actor you're talking about didn't generalize shipping as a whole, cos imma be so mad. Cos there ARE toxic parts to shipping but goodness, not all of us are like THAT.
Honestly though like I drew a mini comic series and my friends are supportive of it and helped me out but I accidentally brought to school and people are gross out by anime series or comics which I don’t get like I know it isn’t a their cup of tea but then they proceed to bash anyone who likes comics or the comic in general
Is just that some people can't mind their own bussiness you know, even if you read books about story, nature or whatever someone is always going to "bully" you over it because, for some reason, is nerdy and uncool, same with playing games.
Once you grow up it makes less sense because they are literally bullying people for having hobbies.
Why is liking comics a bad thing? I mean, Japan invented comics, so...what’s the problem here? Liking yaoi, I can see why people are a bit iffy and repulsed, but comics in general though...I don’t see it.
Imagine not liking comics though...*sips wine*