Just for a little clarity, I don’t like his crusty ass either BUT he has an OBJECTIVELY handsome face and his dick is censored. If either of those things wasn’t true it wouldn’t be satisfying
Just for a little clarity, I don’t like his crusty ass either BUT he has an OBJECTIVELY handsome face and his dick is censored. If either of those things wasn’t true it wouldn’t be satisfying MysteryDream3
How exactly? Either way I’m saying I have a thing for him being degraded in a sexual way. I don’t really care if it’s not your thing, it’s just that based off of you and the other person’s comment it seemed as if it wasn’t clear as to what I meant so I explained, that’s all
I hate Carter as much as everyone else, but damn I do love seeing a proud man such as him get all flustered when he’s sexually aroused