You idiots need to understand that no matter your opinion you could've just left the story a-fucking-lone the author and artist didn't create this with you sour pusses in mind and spent hours and weeks of hard work on this and that should not be shat on by some clueless fucking brats maybe your parents just spoiled you goddamn rotten for you not to understand so quit your bitching about it and just don't read you may not understand that the creator (s) of this have fucking feelings and deserve to be treated as if that was a masterpiece (which it was) so go fuck yourselves with all your hateful comments
You idiots need to understand that no matter your opinion you could've just left the story a-fucking-lone the author and artist didn't create this with you sour pusses in mind and spent hours and weeks of hard work on this and that should not be shat on by some clueless fucking brats maybe your parents just spoiled you goddamn rotten for you not to understand so quit your bitching about it and just don't read you may not understand that the creator (s) of this have fucking feelings and deserve to be treated as if that was a masterpiece (which it was) so go fuck yourselves with all your hateful comments