You may hate the seme

Malleus August 29, 2020 6:33 pm


You may hate the seme for this, but he mother wants him ro have heirmin past lives. It was also hard for the seme and he is really hurt. Why are you hating him? Hosik likes him back too... it was tragic for him too... at least they are happy now

    nish ♡ August 29, 2020 8:27 pm

    I still hate him cause tahts rape

    QutiePie101 August 30, 2020 1:32 am
    I still hate him cause tahts rape nish ♡

    Uh- don’t read it. And plus it was their past life! Not every story has a happy beginning, I understand it’s rape but like...

    nish ♡ August 30, 2020 1:02 pm

    hes raped him before??? thats how hosik got pregnant cause the seme raped him while he was unconscious and didnt give hosiks clothes to him until he gave the seme a blowjob

    QutiePie101 August 30, 2020 2:36 pm
    hes raped him before??? thats how hosik got pregnant cause the seme raped him while he was unconscious and didnt give hosiks clothes to him until he gave the seme a blowjob nish ♡

    Actually he feel asleep...and a lot of yaoi have the same scene, but nobody cares...your opinion is he’s the same mine is dont read the manga

    nish ♡ August 30, 2020 10:00 pm
    Actually he feel asleep...and a lot of yaoi have the same scene, but nobody cares...your opinion is he’s the same mine is dont read the manga QutiePie101

    ok so what you're saying is that it's fine that he got raped cause it happens in a lot of manhwas

    nish ♡ August 30, 2020 10:01 pm
    Actually he feel asleep...and a lot of yaoi have the same scene, but nobody cares...your opinion is he’s the same mine is dont read the manga QutiePie101

    looks like someone supports rape

    QutiePie101 August 31, 2020 12:50 am
    ok so what you're saying is that it's fine that he got raped cause it happens in a lot of manhwas nish ♡

    I mean you can say what you want but, but its like a lot of Yaoi do it and I don’t be seeing comments containing to rape..very much bias ????

    nish ♡ August 31, 2020 12:52 am

    ??? people always leave comments about it, just cause you support rape doesnt mean everyone else does