about the end

Lady P0ny January 16, 2015 4:15 am

I really didn't like the end, I was so dissatisfied that I didn't even looked at the sex scene. I mean, you choose a person that was by your side ALL THE TIME and had lots of GIRLFRIENDS instead of choosing someone who makes your heart flutter and isn't afraid to show his love? Kaichi, there is something wrong with you.

    SamuraiSx January 20, 2015 1:26 am

    you're totally annoying. why some kiddy brat should steal such one beautiful long love from those to ho had known each other and seme helped uke to feel relaxed and enjoyable with one person for the all time. so what's the deal! THIS IS THE REAL LOVE and GREAT ENDING! without usual brats and cousins stealing someone from someone x.x I don't udnerstand your forcing feelings and on the top of all on the relative! Tatsuya have long way and many good boys and girls at school so he needs to look for real love and not just for his illusion he created upon the feeling of admiraton towards Keichi just because he helped him and cheered him up a little. hey this is normal so nothing serious to grow some feelings to your relative. Keichi and Anan are the true pairing and it was great mangaka didn't destroy their love with that brat~

    Lady P0ny March 20, 2015 8:17 am
    you're totally annoying. why some kiddy brat should steal such one beautiful long love from those to ho had known each other and seme helped uke to feel relaxed and enjoyable with one person for the all time. s... SamuraiSx

    HEY, you can criticize my opinion all you want, but don't go calling people annoying just because you want. That above is MY opinion. I respect your opinion about the ending, and even if it's different from mine, I did nothing to you, so a little respect would be good. Don't offend people that did nothing to you. Learn how to talk to people without calling them names. Thank you.

    SamuraiSx September 14, 2015 7:03 pm

    sorry but saying 'annoying' to someone isn't rude I didn't do anything unrespectful. *o* I don't know why you feel so offended but sorry. I am not that knoledgeable in english so I chose words that I know and could the best describe what I wanted to tell. I don't see why anyone could feel offended by the comment I wrote talking about your criticizing.

    Lady P0ny September 14, 2015 7:59 pm

    it sounded offensive to me because it's like you're saying "shut up, you're annoying". I understand that english is not your first language (is not mine either), and you may have used the wrong word. If your intention wasn't to offend and you just used a wrong word for what you felt, and you said sorry, I think we're ok. But an advice: don't call people you don't know annoying, I think others would feel as offended as I did. But aside from that, let's not be enemies, ok? (⌒▽⌒)