Yul is abusive

aldheart August 29, 2020 8:06 am

Ya'll this is not a relationship that you are supposed to ship..he is literally a MANIPULATOR AND A ABUSER. He KIDNAPPED her I don't care how long it was. He needs help, no relationship should ever be like this. Both people need to want to be in a relationship. He is so controlling he basically implied that guys at her school were talking about her grossly so that she would change her very innocent and normal profile picture. And he sent that class mate out there to sexually harass her so that HE could look like a good guy saving her when he IS NOT. He wanted to keep her from seeing her friends..she litterally stated multiple times that he scares her.And again he kidnapped her like stop defending him and stop blaming her I don't care what his home life may have been like it will never justify what he did to her he needs help.

    zura.zure August 29, 2020 1:22 pm

    wtf i was really weirded out with the fact people sided with Yul, and even root for him.

    Yul is a selfish character, and Sian shouldn't have to care for him even if he is messed up, Sian is a complicated character with problems and trauma of her own... Why does she have to take care of Yul and involve herself with him if he selfishly hurts her and triggers her. I can tell the people who root for Yul are the type of people who romanticise criminal and abusive relationships...

    Yul doesnt truly care for Sian he is just obsessed with having her. Honestly being in a toxic relationship with an obsessive partner is not at all pretty, these people will hurt you to keep you from leaving them, they try to make you feel worthless without them.

    Im currently team Yujin, since even if he has problems of his own he seems like he tries to acknowledge them he also tries to understand Sian and tries to do what he thinks is best. Yujin seems like he actually cares for Sian, Yujin actually tries to put himself in Sian's shoes too.

    The story would be bland tho if Sian easily just ends up with Yujin so Im guessing Yujin will fuck up sooner or later in the story.

    coffeedrinker August 29, 2020 4:34 pm

    Shit I accidentally downvoted :(
    Both of you are right tho

    jirachiboy August 30, 2020 5:22 am
    wtf i was really weirded out with the fact people sided with Yul, and even root for him. Yul is a selfish character, and Sian shouldn't have to care for him even if he is messed up, Sian is a complicated charac... zura.zure

    He just a horny guy that her mother fears. I hate him, but yul actually loves her for who she is and only obsessing over her because she loved him for who he is. They even knew eachother as children and know eachother. The girl is the selfish one for showing him love and bringing him just to save her then leaves him. She the manipulator who useing the purple dude and blonde. Dont just blame one dude it her too and the mother and blonde.

    aldheart August 30, 2020 6:19 am
    wtf i was really weirded out with the fact people sided with Yul, and even root for him. Yul is a selfish character, and Sian shouldn't have to care for him even if he is messed up, Sian is a complicated charac... zura.zure

    Yeah I think Yujin is really the person she needs right now in her life he’s brought out so much life in her like she became so much more happy after meeting him yk?

    aldheart August 30, 2020 6:23 am
    He just a horny guy that her mother fears. I hate him, but yul actually loves her for who she is and only obsessing over her because she loved him for who he is. They even knew eachother as children and know ea... jirachiboy

    Bruh..did you read anything I wrote yul is a manipulator and a abuser.Stop victim blaming, she should of never had to put up with yul’s crazy bs. Like did you forget he sent that guy after her to sexually harass her?? He is the bad guy he is not innocent and his home life/school life doesn’t excuse anything he has done.she is literally scared of him.. (and he kidnapped her and made her pass out from shock TWICE)

    zura.zure August 30, 2020 12:56 pm
    Bruh..did you read anything I wrote yul is a manipulator and a abuser.Stop victim blaming, she should of never had to put up with yul’s crazy bs. Like did you forget he sent that guy after her to sexually har... aldheart

    exactly... bro some people just cant differentiate obsession and love. Yul seems like he loves her but is incapable of understanding her and obviously cares about himself more than her because if he loved her he wouldnt have hurt her like that.

    Just someone is hurt doesnt make it okay for them to hurt others... I dont really get how you can hate Yujin more just coz he sleeps around, the women around him know well that he is just there for sex, but he actually cares for Sian and her wellbeing and tries his best not to hurt her even when he's dealing with his own problems as well...

    zura.zure August 30, 2020 12:57 pm
    Bruh..did you read anything I wrote yul is a manipulator and a abuser.Stop victim blaming, she should of never had to put up with yul’s crazy bs. Like did you forget he sent that guy after her to sexually har... aldheart

    i like the way u think aldheart, one of the sane people i've seen around here...

    coffeedrinker August 30, 2020 3:39 pm
    Bruh..did you read anything I wrote yul is a manipulator and a abuser.Stop victim blaming, she should of never had to put up with yul’s crazy bs. Like did you forget he sent that guy after her to sexually har... aldheart

    just ignore that dude, he’s an incel that’s mad Yul didn’t get the girl, he doesn’t even think Yul is abusive. He said some awful things to me in another thread and I finally blocked him so now he’s here I guess.

    Sainju August 30, 2020 4:53 pm

    I truly hate victim blamers. How are you going to say that a girl deserves to be kidnapped and manipulated that it's her fault just because she called a guy SPECIAL ಠ_ಠ

    Sainju August 30, 2020 4:56 pm
    I truly hate victim blamers. How are you going to say that a girl deserves to be kidnapped and manipulated that it's her fault just because she called a guy SPECIAL ಠ_ಠ Sainju

    And it doesn't even matter if he truly loves her. BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T LOVE HIM ANYMORE SO HE SHOULD JUST MOVE ON LIKE ANY OTHER NORMAL PERSON. But I forgot he's not normal (ب_ب)

    zura.zure August 30, 2020 5:08 pm
    And it doesn't even matter if he truly loves her. BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T LOVE HIM ANYMORE SO HE SHOULD JUST MOVE ON LIKE ANY OTHER NORMAL PERSON. But I forgot he's not normal (ب_ب) Sainju


    aldheart August 30, 2020 8:46 pm
    just ignore that dude, he’s an incel that’s mad Yul didn’t get the girl, he doesn’t even think Yul is abusive. He said some awful things to me in another thread and I finally blocked him so now he’s h... coffeedrinker

    Dang really? I can't believe people think that way. It's the lack of brain cells for me.

    aldheart August 30, 2020 8:47 pm
    I truly hate victim blamers. How are you going to say that a girl deserves to be kidnapped and manipulated that it's her fault just because she called a guy SPECIAL ಠ_ಠ Sainju

    Right. She doesn't owe him anything

    aldheart January 31, 2021 8:04 am
    i like the way u think aldheart, one of the sane people i've seen around here... zura.zure

    Omg sorry late reply but thank you! I'm glad she got a happy ending in the end and yes the victim blaming was so annoying.

    jirachiboy February 1, 2021 6:02 am
    Omg sorry late reply but thank you! I'm glad she got a happy ending in the end and yes the victim blaming was so annoying. aldheart

    Yes it shows how uneducated some people are for attacking me for it.

    zura.zure February 1, 2021 8:29 am
    Yes it shows how uneducated some people are for attacking me for it. jirachiboy

    eeek bro dont think u should be calling out people for being uneducated

    jirachiboy February 2, 2021 7:54 am
    eeek bro dont think u should be calling out people for being uneducated zura.zure

    Its the jugemental disorder that everyone has and need to learn to control it and see it at it is. Its like calling a leperd a fucking herbivore for eating in general but it not a plaint but is alive and no different from every living thing but some evolved to have no pain but HUMANS DID THE FUCKING OPPOSITE. Point is people need to manture or evolve from being jugmental and homophobic and sometimes natural selection is just so great.

    zura.zure February 2, 2021 12:33 pm
    Its the jugemental disorder that everyone has and need to learn to control it and see it at it is. Its like calling a leperd a fucking herbivore for eating in general but it not a plaint but is alive and no dif... jirachiboy

    bro... this is a "yul is abusive thread" just like you we shared our opinions, lol we weren't attacking you. The only one here calling people educated, so please I truly hope YOU educate yourself. And I'd also like to say that the point you tried to make did not make any sense at all.

    also for society's overall goodness, please educate yourself on what are classified as abusive in relationships as well as what is victim shaming.

    jirachiboy February 3, 2021 9:45 am
    bro... this is a "yul is abusive thread" just like you we shared our opinions, lol we weren't attacking you. The only one here calling people educated, so please I truly hope YOU educate yourself. And I'd also ... zura.zure

    Well duh he got abusive, who pushed him well.. who took her well.. who punched him till he bleeds well.. maybe if you think about it.. just maybe.. just maybe you might know who it is! He made a choice to go back to her but never to to all of that. He plain perfectly to get her to like him for who he is! BOOM perfect plain.. OH NO alert alert.. etc..

    Im mad for noone seeing what he done is not him. He's normal as anybody and anybody can be put into his position. I'm experience with this by the classes i take on human emotions. I also read the story carefully and understand how he feels and everyone else. Also i post my comment because i wanted other people to see that but everyone just feels bad for only her until the end of the story. I saw this coming but noone still understands his feeling.. i can go on and on. I read theses storys for the plot and emotions. If he where real i would be helping him be hes the "big scary psychopath" when we was an average teen boy with no one and finding his path.

    I bet you didn't think of that and yes ofc i educated myself and more every day. Plus i shame only the blond dude.. hes the asshole you would hate in highschool. I said what i said as an example its confusing but you made me have to explain it better. Now i shown u this just fucking say ok and move on with your life not giving any fucks.

    jirachiboy February 3, 2021 9:48 am
    Well duh he got abusive, who pushed him well.. who took her well.. who punched him till he bleeds well.. maybe if you think about it.. just maybe.. just maybe you might know who it is! He made a choice to go ba... jirachiboy

    I made a mistake on some of it but whatever