That actually hurt a little. I didn’t really think he was hot, but I just over analyzed the anime/manga and the rant may have sounded bad because he was my favourite character at the time. I get attached to characters easily so it was difficult for me to not feel sad for Hiro when his life kept getting worse after he tried to be good even just for a short while, but in no way would I ever justify or forgive the murder because of their looks. It is terrible that he murdered innocent people, but I wanted to look at both sides of the story, not that Hiro’s side was a good one. And I never did say that I justify him doing the things he did, I just don’t absolutely despise him
I know Hiro murdered tons of people, but I cant help but love him. First he tries to use his power to find light in his life by killing people, then decides to stop killing people to support him mom, then his mom dies and he goes back to killing people in a blind rage, he finds happiness with Shion and her Grandma and stops killing people, that happiness is broken when the police come and shoot up their apartment almost killing Shion and her Grandma in the process then he does good by detonating himself on the meteor. Hiro constantly tries to get better, but everyone ruins it. I think his death is underrated, his efforts were masked by the Inuyashiki detonating himself after. I swear its like everyone forgot about Hiro after he blew up. The anime didn't even have the part about Chokko and Shion talking about Hiro trying to help in chapter 85. I'm not saying that Hiro can make up for all he's done, but he is almost pure to me in a sense, even if I don't know why so I still love him whether it's as a villain or hero.