Its sexual assault for me information read this:
Have you ever been in a relationship? This act is somewhat of a gray area, but it’s implied consent for people that are in a relationship or married. Not everyone requires the discussion of “Can I wake you up to oral/sex?”. Usually the receiver will wake up during the act. I know it’s something messy but it really, really depends on the people involved.
Consent is something you receive only in that very moment. Would you still consider it consensual if they mentioned it sometime in the past? The night before? Someone may have given consent at some point but might not want it at the point they receive it, or they could be all for it. It all seriously depends, but I believe the point here is that these two are now in a committed relationship and because Nohae was too shy to let Yeong sleep with him, Yeong takes things into his own hands and initiates what Nohae missed out on by rejecting him.
I’d say we wait for Nohae’s reaction.
is that considered raping? (⊙…⊙ )