I just wanna... *BAM!*

HeyHeyPeople! August 27, 2020 6:17 pm

This guy is sooooo confusing, does he like the empress or not?! He is always saying "Oh I aM BeTeR ThAn Him aT ThIs ANd At ThAt" Like what? And you called yourself a good guy? Do I need to show the million screenshots of how many times you chose Rasta side instead of the empress? Because I fucking will. And honestly, I wouldn't even see Rasta as a woman, instead, a snotty little brat. She is annoying, gives you headaches, using your money for your own needs and... Do I really need to go on?

    Ty_G August 28, 2020 8:14 am

    Pop off sis

    Midnight_thenightowl August 29, 2020 12:14 am

    Exactly like the Emperor emperor was kissing the empress neck when he always makes it clear he likes his “lover” more like wtfff like choice a god damn woman wait don’t let the empress go to a better ass man then like if the emperor really wanted to work things with his ACTUAL wife they had been by his side since childhood and talk to her like what a ADULT would do and work things out bc all he wanted was someone to be grateful for him and soon as they bitch RATRISHA i fucking forgot her name was greatful for him he falls in love with her like WTF DUDE ur half of man no he’s TRASH for that bc a human BEING WOULD MATURE UP AND BE ADULT AND WORK THINGS OUT